Planning Proposal – 2 Thistle Street, Ryde

Submissions closed on 22 October 2023, 11:59 PM


Council is seeking community comment on a Planning Proposal to amend the Ryde Local Environmental Plan (Ryde LEP) 2014 for land (formerly known as Meadowbank Public School) at 2 Thistle Street, Ryde. The Proposal seeks to rezone the land from SP2 (Educational Establishment) to RE1 Public Recreation and include ‘centre-based child care facility’ as additional permitted use on Lot 1 DP437180 under the Ryde LEP 2014.

The Planning Proposal is on exhibition from Monday 18 September 2023 to Sunday 22 October 2023 for community comment. 

The site was formerly Meadowbank Public School which has been relocated to the Meadowbank Education and Employment Precinct. The intent of the proposal is to ensure the land is used for public recreation by rezoning the site from the existing SP2 (Educational Establishment) zone to RE1 Public Recreation zone to facilitate future delivery of public open space on the land.

The site also contains an operating centre-based child care facility in the north east corner of Lot 1 DP 437180. Centre-based child care facilities are permissible in the SP2 Infrastructure (Educational Establishment) zone but prohibited in the RE1 Public Recreation zone. To recognise the child centre as a permissible use, it is proposed to include ‘centre-based child care facilities’ as an additional permitted use on Lot 1 DP 437180.

The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) issued a Gateway Determination in July 2023 for the Planning Proposal to proceed to public exhibition. The results of the public exhibition will be reported to Council for consideration prior to any further decision as to whether or not to proceed with the proposed changes.


You can Have Your Say on the Planning Proposal – 2 Thistle Street, Ryde in a number of ways including completing the submission form below, via e-mail or post. 

Written Submissions

Written submissions must be clearly marked as ‘Planning Proposal – 2 Thistle Street, Ryde’. All submissions must be received by Council by Sunday 22 October 2023.

It is Council policy that all submissions received will be publicly accessible on request. Supplying your personal information is voluntary. However, anonymous submissions may be given less weight (or no weight) in the overall consideration of the proposal.

Online Submissions

Submissions have now closed.


2 Thistle Street, Ryde, Ryde 2112  View Map

Google Map

If you require more information about the Planning Proposal – 2 Thistle Street, Ryde, or are unable to make an online/written submission, please call our Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222 or email

If you require translating assistance, you may call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter to contact Council for you.