Ryde Central

  • Project typeMajor Upgrades
  • Project StatusProject deferred - Council resolution of 28 November 2023

Latest updates


25 June 2024

At the 25 June 2024 Council Meeting, Council received and noted a report and the estimated costs to provide open space at the Ryde Central site. It further noted that Council is unable to progress building on a new Ryde Civic Centre nor the public open space until the Office of Local Government (OLG) is satisfied that City of Ryde has a lawful and financially sustainable funding mechanism. Council will prepare a submission to the OLG and Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) for Council’s approval to seek further advice and approval for other options to pay for a new Ryde Civic Centre that is lawfully and financially sustainable.

23 April 2024

At the 23 April 2024 Council Meeting, Council resolved to develop a Communications Plan to explain the circumstances of the Ryde Civic Centre to the community and specifically why there is a 'hole in the ground', the referral to the Office of Local Government, the referral to the NSW ICAC; and the full 'Project Toronto' timelines so that our community understand the financial ramifications that come from decisions made between 2018 and 2021 about the Ryde Civic Centre site. The plan will outline the financial ramifications to Council of the Voluntary Planning Agreements (VPA's) entered into by the previous Council and the ongoing impact on our long-term financial plan. It will also include the number of institutions/agencies that have agreed and supported Council’s decision to return funds that were ‘illegally’ transferred from External Reserve accounts to the Ryde Central account.

* A rescission motion against this resolution was tabled at the end of the meeting and defeated.

19 March 2024

At the 19 March 2024 Council Meeting, a rescission motion brought against a resolution about proposed open space at the Ryde Central site passed at the 27 February Council Meeting was defeated. To view the minutes of the meeting, click here

13 March 2024

City of Ryde is pleased to advise that the NSW Audit Office (AO) has finalised its examination of Council’s previous improper transfer of Externally Restricted Reserves, particularly for the Ryde Central Project, and the Action Plan CoR’s Executive Team implemented to rectify the financial mismanagement and its impact on Council’s operations. Read more(PDF, 336KB).

27 February 2024

At the 24 February 2024 Council Meeting, Council resolved to instruct staff to provide further information on costings for proposed open space at the Ryde Central site based on the following scenarios:

a) A base case. No amenities on site – covered in grass versus covered in concrete.

b) Mid case: Plants with minor structural covering and seats in addition to base.

c) Top tier case: further lighting and features in addition to mid case.

Council noted that the hole at the Ryde Central site presents a health hazard for residents and cannot be left in its present state and therefore a resolution of the matter is urgent.

Tuesday 30 January 2024
At the Tuesday 30 2024 January Extraordinary Council Meeting, a rescission motion against a Mayoral Minute passed at the 23 January 2024 Extraordinary Meeting was defeated. The motion referred to the following part of the Mayoral Minute: Explore options in the short term for the use of the 1 Devlin Street site for public open space, achieved by filling the excavated area within this financial year and report back to Council on what is required to provide designs, cost estimates and feasibility of the required works, including a funding strategy.

23 January 2024

At the 23 January 2024 Extraordinary Council Meeting, Council reaffirmed its commitment to undertake the Ryde Central project when suitable funds are available through prudent financial management that ensures Council remains fit for the future and there are no adverse impacts on the provision of rates, services, and programs. It also reaffirmed its commitment to retain public ownership of the site. It further resolved to explore a short-term option to use the Ryde Central site at 1 Devlin Street as public open space by filling in the excavated area of the site during this financial year. A report will be provided to Council detailing the provision of designs, cost estimates, and the feasibility of the required works, including a funding strategy. Council will also investigate how historic photographs and images can be incorporated into the design to acknowledge and create awareness of the iconic history of the Ryde Central site.

This resolution is subject to a rescission motion that will be determined at an Extraordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 30 January 2024.

28 November 2023
At the 28 November 2023 Council Meeting, it was a resolution of Council to defer any development at the Ryde Central site. Therefore, all temporary fencing has been replaced with permanent fencing for ongoing public safety as well as security of the site.

Statement Issued by City of Ryde CEO Wayne Rylands - 21 December 2023

Public Statement Issued by City of Ryde CEO Wayne Rylands - 21 December 2023

As the year draws to an end, I wanted to take this opportunity to update you, our community and Councillors, on the status of the Ryde Central site and staff progress in delivering key actions in our Action Plan.

Update on the project

Council acknowledges the iconic history of the Ryde Central site and community support for the project and for the site to remain publicly owned. At the Council Meeting held on the 28 November 2023, Council resolved to defer the commencement of any new civic building at the Ryde Central Site until sufficient funding can be identified and to retain public ownership of the site. The complete Council resolution can be found here.

Action Plan

As you may be aware, our Council’s Action Plan is the roadmap guiding our progress to ensure that the City of Ryde’s financial management and asset management complies with all relevant legislative requirements. For complete transparency and accountability, the Action Plan has been continually updated and provided for your information, and also to our Councillors, the Office of Local Government and the Council’s Audit Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC).

My previous statements relating to Ryde Central are located below. 

I am pleased to advise that Council staff have made significant progress on the Action Plan. The following link provides the latest information detailing our progress, as at December 2023.

View the Ryde Central Action Plan


Statement Issued by City of Ryde CEO Wayne Rylands - 19 July 2023

As you may be aware through my previous public statements, City of Ryde (‘Council’) has been assisting the Office of Local Government (OLG) and the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) with their ongoing inquiries into the mismanagement of funds contained in Council’s ‘restricted reserves’.

Council staff have developed an Action Plan with the assistance and guidance of the OLG who have now approved Council sharing the Plan with Councillors, our Audit Risk and Improvement Committee, staff and the Community.

It should be noted that Council has already undertaken a number of important actions, with the oversight of the OLG:

  1. Council’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has reversed and returned funds to the relevant Restricted Cash Reserves within Council. This was an action endorsed by the OLG and Council Resolution. The return of funds to correct accounts will not adversely impact rates or any Council services provided to the community. Further details of this is on Council’s website and contained in my previous public statement.
  2. A new Cash Reserves Policy for the future utilisation of Council’s restricted reserves funds, was adopted by Council on 27 June 2023. This is also now available on Council’s website.
  3. An external Review of Council’s Voluntary Planning Agreements (VPA) and the financial implications and liabilities to Council has commenced and is ongoing.

On June 30, Council provided the OLG with extensive materials in relation to the ongoing external investigation into the alleged mismanagement of ‘restricted reserves’.

The OLG is reviewing these materials and Council staff are continuing to co-operate with the OLG on any further lines of enquiry it may require.

On 17 July 2023, I, as the CEO briefed members of Council’s Audit Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) on the Action Plan. All Councillors were then briefed on 19 July 2023.

The Action Plan aims to ensure that best practice systems and structures are implemented to achieve greater governance, accountability and transparency around Council’s funds and practices.

With inquiries by the OLG and the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) still ongoing, no further comment can be made by Council.


Statement issued by City of Ryde CEO Wayne Rylands - 28 June 2023

At the Council meeting on 23 May 2023, I delivered a public statement regarding transfers of funds from Council’s restricted cash reserves in 2020 and 2021. At the time, I stated that investigations were ongoing in relation to the treatment of funds in Council’s Restricted Cash Reserves.

Although the investigations into these matters are still ongoing, Council’s Chief Financial Officer has taken the necessary action to reverse the transfers and return the funds to the relevant Restricted Cash Reserves, being an action agreed by the Office of Local Government.

Council considered these actions at its meeting last night and resolved to take the following steps:

1) Return $35,500,000 from Ryde Central Reserve to S7.11 Externally Restricted Reserves as follows:

  • $26,406,740 to S7.11 Open Space & Recreation Facility Reserve
  • $8,659,138 to S7.11 Community & Cultural Facility Reserve
  • $434,122 to S7.11 Stormwater Management Facility Reserve

2) Return $1,086,451 Employee Leave Entitlements Reserve to S7.11 Externally Restricted Reserves as follows:

  • $808,159 to S7.11 Open Space & Recreation Facility Reserve
  • $265,006 to S7.11 Community & Cultural Facility Reserve
  • $13,286 to S7.11 Stormwater Management Facility Reserve

3) Allocate a total of $1,140,267 from Accommodation Reserve for interest earned in prior years to S7.11 Externally Restricted Reserves as follows:

  • $848,190 to S7.11 Open Space & Recreation Facility Reserve
  • $278,133 to S7.11 Community & Cultural Facility Reserve
  • $13,944 to S7.11 Stormwater Management Facilities Reserve

4) Return $3,381,645 from Accommodation Reserve to Voluntary Planning Agreement Reserve

5) Return $361,249 from Accommodation Reserve to Voluntary Planning Agreement Reserve

6) Return the amount of $1,006,700 from Accommodation Reserve to Domestic Waste Reserve due to a COVID-19 Rates Rebate.

Council also resolved to adopt a new Cash Reserves Policy. This Policy will provide greater confidence for the Council and community on the future utilisation of any restricted reserve funds by staff contained within those restricted reserves.

I stress that the implementation of the above resolution will have no adverse impact on Council rates or the quality of services and programs that Council provides to the community. In fact, this will now mean that funds that had previously been set aside for open space, community and cultural facilities, and infrastructure needs can now be allocated back to projects and programs within those areas.

Finally, as a result of these actions, and as I mentioned in May, the future of the Ryde Central Project is currently under review. We will continue to keep the Council and the community updated as that review progresses.

As these matters are still with the Office of the Local Government and Independent Commission Against Corruption for their consideration, no further comment can be made by the Council at this time. 


Statement issued by City of Ryde CEO Wayne Rylands - 23 May 2023

At the Council meeting on 23 May 2023, I delivered a public statement pertaining to matters concerning the transfers of funds obtained from developer contributions which had been placed in restricted reserves, funds which are required to be held by Council and spent for the purposes for which they were collected from developers in line with Council’s Contributions Plan. The transactions in question should not have occurred.

Council has provided all relevant details relating to these matters to the Office of Local Government and the Independent Commission Against Corruption, who are now undertaking their own inquiries on these matters. Council is cooperating in full with these inquiries.

Council’s top priority is to make sure Ryde ratepayers continue to receive the services and programs that they have come to expect and that the impacts from these matters are minimised. Council’s main priority is our ratepayers. Council staff will continue to work diligently every day in the best interests of our community.

I must strongly stress that as these matters have been referred to the Office of Local Government and ICAC for their consideration, no further comment can be made by Council on these matters until the conclusion of the external inquiries. I will endeavour to keep you informed as appropriate.

My full statement delivered to Council and the community last night can be viewed here.



1 Devlin Street, Ryde 2112  View Map

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