Title Encumbrances and Land Dealings


Schedule 1 Title Encumbrances Technical Material

Schedule 1 Title Encumbrances Technical Material is currently under review by Council. Please use the Draft Standard Terms and Information on this page for Positive Covenants and Restriction as to the Use of Land documents. Please contact Council’s Building and Development Advisory Service on 9952 8222 if you need more information.

Please note that NSW Land Registry Services are moving to electronic lodgement and Council is no longer able to undertake registration on your behalf. Individual property owners are exempt for the time being and you will be able to register the paper documents at NSW Land Registry Services.

Development in the City of Ryde often includes engineering measures which require ongoing maintenance of stormwater drainage systems and flood protection measures to ensure they are preserved and function as approved. Examples of these systems are:

  • Onsite detention systems
  • Alternative drainage systems (e.g. pump drainage systems/ charged drainage systems),
  • Alterations to landform, retaining walls and dwelling floor levels which are designed and intended to protect the development and occupants from major overland flows/ flooding, as well as prevent impact neighbouring properties.

To ensure the maintenance of these systems and restrictions, Council requires the owner to register an 88E, an 88B or a Restriction on the title of the property.

Standard Terms

Examples of Technical supporting material

Related Links

Instructions for forms above: 
LRS interactive forms - Type in the required information and print out. 
LRS manual forms - Print out and fill in the required information using a black pen and capital letters.  

Title Details - Visit the Find Records page of the Land & Property Information website to find out the “Title Reference” of your property and a list of available service providers who can obtain this information from LRS.

More information

For more information Contact Us or NSW Land and Property below.

1 Prince Albert Road 
Queens Square 
Sydney NSW 2000 
GPO Box 15 
Sydney NSW 2001 
T: 1300 052 637 - Cost of local call Australia wide 
T: 61 2 9228 6666 - International 
E: GeneralEnquiry@lpi.nsw.gov.au