The Codes SEPP Low Rise Housing Diversity Code
What does the Low Rise Housing Diversity Code do?
The NSW Government’s Low Rise Housing Diversity Code facilitates a diverse range of housing. The Code allows dual occupancies, manor houses and terraces (up to two storeys) to be carried out under a fast track complying development approval.
A complying development approval can be issued within 20 days if the proposal complies with all the relevant requirements in Part 3B State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 (Codes SEPP).
In Ryde, the Low Rise Housing Diversity Code permits dual occupancies (attached) in the R2 Low Density Residential and R3 Medium Density Residential zones of the Ryde Local Environmental Plan 2014, on lots with a minimum area of 580 square metres and with a minimum width of 15 metres at the building line (or 12 metres if there is rear vehicular access). These developments can be approved by Council or Private Certifiers as complying development. Developments must satisfy the standards defined in the Code and the criteria specified in the associated Design Guide.
There are also requirements for multi dwelling housing (manor houses and terraces) under the Low Rise Housing Diversity Code allowing them to be approved in the R1 and R3 zones by Council or Private Certifiers through the complying development approval process. As multi dwelling housing in the R2 zone is not permitted, they cannot be approved in that zone.
Development consent for dual occupancies (attached) and multi dwelling housing can still be sought from Council where permissible. These developments are assessed against the Ryde Local Environmental Plan 2014 and Ryde Development Control Plan 2014.
Housing types under the Code
Low rise medium density residential development in the Code includes :
- Dual occupancies (attached)
- Dual occupancies (detached)
- Manor houses
- Multi dwelling housing (terraces)
Dual occupancy
Dual occupancy (attached) means 2 dwellings on one lot of land that are attached to each other, but does not include a secondary dwelling.
Dual occupancy (detached) means 2 detached dwellings on one lot of land, but does not include a secondary dwelling.
Manor house
A building containing 3 or 4 dwellings, where:
- Each dwelling is attached to another dwelling by a common wall or floor, and
- At least 1 dwelling is partially or wholly located above another dwelling, and
- The building contains no more than 2 storeys (excluding any basement).
Multi dwelling housing (terraces)
3 or more dwellings on one lot of land where:
- Each dwelling as access at ground level
- No part of a dwelling is above any part of any other dwelling, and,
- Dwellings face, and are generally follow the alignment of one or more public roads.