Minor Works Exemption Form for Heritage Works

When you can use a Minor Works Exemption

It’s important to carry out regular maintenance and repairs and minor works to heritage properties, including local heritage items and properties within heritage conservation areas, to care for and protect their heritage significance.  Generally, development consent is required for any works to a heritage property to assess the impact of works on the heritage significance of a site (Ryde Local Environmental Plan). However, a heritage Minor Works Exemption may be requested in writing for minor works and maintenance that have minimal or no impact on a site, by using the form here.

Minor works may include like for like maintenance and repairs to a window that is not working or reinstating a leadlight window, the replacement of rusty gutters and downpipes, the repainting of a heritage building, and restoring a verandah of fence and gate.  As a guide a request for like for like works are similar to Exempt development (State Environmental Planning Policy – Exempt and Complying Development), if not for the site being a heritage property.  

Submit your Form
  • Email: cityofryde@ryde.nsw.gov.au
  • Post: City of Ryde, Locked Bag 2069, North Ryde NSW 1670
  • Drop off: Customer Service Centre (Underneath Ryde Library), 1 Pope Street, Ryde NSW 2112

What you need to do

  1. Check if you need to lodge a Minor Works request by checking if you property is a heritage property. This can be established by checking your address on eSpatial viewer (NSW Planning Portal).  Both Local and State heritage properties need to request and obtain an minor works exemption from Council.
  2. Check if you need a State heritage works development approval or a site-specific or standard exemption, if  your property is also a State Heritage Item (Heritage Act). You would need to do the state heritage works approval or exemption first, before (1) above.
  3. Check if you need to evaluate if the heritage works is provided for in State Environmental Planning Policy – Exempt and Complying Development. Some minor works and maintenance works to a heritage property is included in the policy. If so, would not need to request a minor works exemption for Council.

For more information and assistance, contact Council’s Heritage Advisor for assistance.