Hair, Beauty and Skin Penetration FAQs

How do I make a complaint about a beauty premises, hairdresser or barber?
To report a public health concern about any beauty, hairdresser or barber business operating in the City of Ryde, you can:

  1. Contact our Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222 and speak to a customer services officer
  2. Lodge your concern online via our Report an Issue form
  3. Send an email to

Will I receive feedback after I report a public health concern?
Yes. It is City of Ryde policy to communicate with customers once a customer request has been lodged. Once the request is assigned for investigation, you will receive acknowledgement that the report has been lodged and the investigating officer will communicate with all customers directly to provide updates and feedback.

How often are inspections conducted?
Every beauty salon business registered with City of Ryde will receive an inspection each financial year. Depending on the outcome of the inspection, re-inspections may be required.

Hairdressing salons and barber shops may also receive an inspection during each financial year.

City of Ryde may also conduct further inspections if a public health concern is reported or if enforcement action is required as a result of a failed inspection result.

Are there any fees for inspections?
Yes. Fees and charges are applied for all public health inspections.

Do I need to register my beauty business, hairdressing salon or barber with City of Ryde?
Yes. All of businesses performing beauty treatments or hairdressing are required to register with the City of Ryde Environmental Health team.

Can I operate a home-based beauty salon or hairdresser?
Yes, however it requires a Development Application to be submitted and approved by City of Ryde prior to operating.

What is the difference between cleaning, disinfecting and sterilising?
Cleaning is the removal of dirt and microorganisms from a surface by a process of washing with water and detergent without prior processing. This must be undertaken on all equipment and surfaces.

Disinfection is the process of killing non spore forming micro-organisms that is achieved through either thermal (heat and water) or chemical methods.   This must be carried out on all surfaces and equipment that people may come in contact with.

Sterilisation is the total eradication of all micro-organisms including bacterial spores. Reusable articles used to penetrate skin must be cleaned before being sterilised in an approved autoclave. 

What do I do with my waste?

Personal appearance businesses sometimes produce waste that is classified as 'hazardous waste' under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. Sharps including razors are to be disposed of in yellow Australian Standards approved sharps container that is puncture resistant, waterproof and leak proof.

Clinical waste is any waste that has the potential to cause injury, infection or offence and includes but is not limited to blood, blood stained body fluids, materials or equipment and sharps (except sharps contaminated with cytotoxic waste). Clinical waste shall be disposed of into clinical waste bins in accordance with AS3816:2018 Management of Clinical and related wastes.

Clinical waste and sealed sharps containers must be collected and disposed of via a licensed contractor. Disposal of sharps and clinical waste into the general waste stream is dangerous and illegal.

When should I wash my hands?

Hands should be washed under warm running water, with soap

  • before and after attending a client
  • before and after a procedure
  • after exposure to a body substance
  • after touching a clients surroundings and
  • after the removal of gloves

How to Wash Hands Guide