Infringement Notices
What to do if you receive an Infringement Notice
If you have received a parking infringement, you can view photographs of the offence to help you choose what action to take to resolve your infringement.
You can check if a photograph of your vehicle at Revenue NSW under myPenalty. You will need your infringement number and date of offence. If the photograph is not available there, you can request a copy of an offence photograph of your vehicle from Council by contacting Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222. A copy of the photograph will provided to you by post or collection at Council’s Customer Service Centre. Photographs will only be sent by email in exceptional circumstances.
How to appeal a Parking Fine
If you would like to appeal a parking infringement, you have three main options:
Option 1: Request a Review by Revenue NSW
Any initial representation contesting an infringement must be forwarded to Revenue NSW by mail to the following address, or by requesting a review online through the Revenue NSW ‘myPenalty’ link.
Revenue NSW
PO Box 786
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Further information about the review process by Revenue NSW is available at Revenue NSW.
Option 2: Request an Adjudication Review by Council
In the event that the you are not satisfied with the decision of Revenue NSW, you may make a representation to Council and request a formal Adjudication Review of this decision by City of Ryde.
All requests must be made in writing to the General Manager at the following address, or by email to:
The representation must be made by the driver of the vehicle and must contain their full name and address, date of offence, registration number of vehicle, make of vehicle, location of offence, and infringement notice number. A copy of the outcome letter from Revenue NSW must also be attached.
General Manager
City of Ryde
Locked Bag 2069
North Ryde NSW 1670
The representation will result in a decision for the Infringement Notice to be actioned as:
- Cautioned; or
- Cancelled; or
- Penalty to Stand; and
will be referred to Revenue NSW for action. You will receive notification from Council in writing advising you of the outcome.
Option 3: Appeal to the Local Court
In the event that you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Adjudication Review, you have a statutory right to appeal to the Local Court within twenty-eight (28) days from the date of the adjudication decision letter.
You may elect to have the matter determined by a magistrate in Local Court in the first instance by submitting a request through Revenue NSW - Go to court. You do not need to Request a Review first.
Council cannot accept payments on behalf of Revenue NSW. Payments for infringement notices can be made online on the Revenue NSW - Online Payment page.
For further enquiries on paying penalty notices, contact Revenue NSW on 1300 138 118.
More information
For more information, please view Council’s Enforcement of Parking Policy(PDF, 244KB).