Tech Savvy Seniors | Computer Technology Training

Two senior men getting assistance with tablets

Many older Australians are at risk of being digitally excluded in an ever increasing online and digitally connected world. The Tech Savvy Seniors digital literacy training program was designed to help seniors develop the skills and confidence to get connected and participate in the online world. 

Tech Savvy Seniors is funded by the NSW Government through the Department of Communities and Justice, and Telstra. In cooperation with State Library NSW on behalf of the partners, City of Ryde Libraries offers free Tech Savvy Seniors training courses in English and several CALD languages at beginner level. The program aims to provide introductory training on the use of computers, smart devices, and online services such as email, social media, online shopping as well as cyber safety.

Ryde 图书馆与新洲州立图书馆合作,向老年人提供免费的初级电子课程。 学习如何使用电脑,电子邮件,智能手机,社交媒体,网上购物及网上银行等新科技技能。课程细节,请点击下面的下拉式菜单。

Ryde 圖書館與新洲州立圖書館合作,向老年人提供免費的初級電子課程。學習如何使用電腦,電子郵件,智能手機,社交媒體,網上購物及網上銀行等新科技技能。課程細節,請點擊下面的下拉式菜單。

라이드 도서관은  뉴사우스 웨일주 주립 도서관과 협력하여 시니어 무료 초급 컴퓨터 수업을 제공합니다. 컴퓨터, 이메일, 스마트 폰, 소셜 미디어, 온라인 뱅킹 및 쇼핑등 기타 새로운 테크놀로지 사용하는 방법을 배워보시기 바랍니다.

English Tech Savvy Seniors

Mandarin 老年人科技通 学习班 (普通话) 2024年10月开课

预订 (Registration)

To register, or for more details, please see library staff, or call 9952 8352 or 9952 8375.

如果需报名, 或要了解更多详情,请咨询图书馆工作人员,或电话:9952 8352 或 9952 8375。

Bookings open on 3 September 2024. (2024年9月3号开始报名)

年龄: 60岁以上


Age: 60 years+ 

Bookings essential.

Korean 한국어 시니어 컴퓨터 교실 2025

Date (날짜) Time (시간) Lesson (수업내용) Location (장소)
화 4/03/2025
10 am -12:15pm Introduction to Internet & Cyber Safety
인터넷 입문 및 사이버 안전교육
Ryde Library
(라이드 도서관)
10 am -12:15pm Introduction to email
이메일 사용법
화 18/03/2025
10 am -12:15pm Introduction to NSW Seniors Card
뉴사우스웨일즈 시니어카드 사용 안내
화 25/03/2025
10 am -12:15pm Introduction to NSW Transport Apps
뉴사우스웨일즈 교통앱 사용법
화 1/04/2025
10 am -12:15pm Introduction to smartphone
스마트폰 사용법
West Ryde Library
화 8/04/2025
10 am -12:15pm Introduction to Zoom.
화상회의 앱 Zoo사용법

Registration 등록 

Age: 60 years+ (대상: 만60세이상) 

Bookings essential. (예약필수)

Bookings open on 4 February 2025. (2025년 2월 4일부터 예약접수 시작)

To register, or for more details, please see library staff members at City of Ryde Libraries or call 9952 8352.

예약 혹은 더 자세한 정보는 도서관 직원에게 문의하시거나 9952 8352로 전화 하십시오.

Cantonese 老年人科技通 学习班 (广东话) 2025年5月开课

Date (日期) Time (时间) Lesson (课程) Location (上课地点)
Tuesday 6/05/2025
周二 2025年5月6日
10 am -12:15pm
上午10点 - 下午12点15分
Introduction to Internet & Cyber Safety
Ryde Library
Tuesday 13/05/2025
周二 2025年5月13日
10 am -12:15pm
上午10点 - 下午12点15分
Introduction to email
Tuesday 20/05/2025
周二 2025年5月20日
10 am -12:15pm
上午10点 - 下午12点15分
Introduction to NSW Seniors Card
Tuesday 27/05/2025
周二 2025年5月27日
10 am -12:15pm
上午10点 - 下午12点15分
Introduction to NSW Transport Apps
Tuesday 3/06/2025
周二 2025年6月3日
10 am -12:15pm
上午10点 - 下午12点15分
Introduction to smartphone
Eastwood Library

Tuesday 17/06/2025
周二 2025年6月17日

10 am -12:15pm
上午10点 - 下午12点15分
Introduction to Zoom

预订 (Registration)

Age: 60 years+ (年龄: 60岁以上)

Bookings essential. (必须预约)

Bookings open on 8 April 2025. (2025年4月8号开始报名)

To register, or for more details, please see library staff, or call 9952 8352 or 9952 8375.

如果需报名, 或要了解更多详情,请咨询图书馆工作人员,或电话:9952 8352 或 9952 8375。

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