Community Directory
The Community Directory provides information about community groups and organisations in the Ryde Local Government Area, as well as other Council areas, regional and state groups of interest to the local community.
You can search by keywords, location, or organisations to find the list of services closest to you and most entries includes a map to help you locate it.
You can browse, view and print information about:
- Not-for-profit community organisations, services and facilities;
- Childcare and Education providers;
- Sports and Recreation services and facilities;
- Health and Emergency Services;
- Council and Government services;
- Family and Domestic Violence services;
- Employment agencies; and
- Information and support for different age groups, cultures, people with disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Note: Some services may be temporarily suspended or times may vary due to COVID restrictions. Please contact the organisation directly to check.
Terms and Conditions
- The information in each record of the Directory is provided by the organisation concerned.
- Inclusion of information in the directory should not be taken as an endorsement by Council of that organisation group, service or individual.
- Responsibility for providing correct and current information shall at all times rest with the organisation concerned. Council takes no responsibility for outdated information.
- City of Ryde Council does not accept liability for loss of any kind, resulting from the use made by any person or organisation of the information in this directory.
Online Directory
How can my organisation be listed?
Inclusion in the Community Directory is free but Council has the right to include or exclude your submission or to modify the information you supply to ensure consistency between listings in the directory. The organisation must also be operating in/servicing our area.
If you would like us to consider your service:
Our details have changed. How do I update our listing?
Look up your listing in the directory and then click on the Report an error link at the bottom of your entry to notify us of any updates.
If you have any questions about the Community Directory, please contact Ryde Library on 9952 8352 or by email at
If you need help with translation, please ring the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50, and ask for an interpreter in your language to contact City of Ryde Council on 9952 8222. This is a free service for information regarding services provided by Council.