Jean Goddard

Interview with Jean Goddard

Jean Goddard shares her memories of growing up in Ryde. She talks about her life as a young woman and the various social activities that she and her friends enjoyed.

Interviewer: Pauline Curby 
Date of the interview: 24 July 1997

Audio extracts (.wav format):

  1. Growing up in Ryde
  2. Scarlet fever in the family
  3. Life in Bowden Street, Ryde
  4. School days and family weddings
  5. Early working days
  6. Going out with friends
  7. Dancing before the Second World War
  8. Socialising with American Servicemen
  9. Sport and bushwalking
  10. Trip to Manly and political views

Transcript(PDF, 153KB)  - 36 pages