Project Update - West Ryde Town Centre Masterplan
Published on 17 August 2022
We thank the community for your involvement in the consultation process on West Ryde Town Centre Draft Masterplan Options.
Council and the consultant team have developed a preferred Masterplan for West Ryde Town Centre. However, the preferred Masterplan will not be reported to Council for its endorsement (i.e. finalisation) until further community consultation is undertaken.
The community will have further opportunity to comment on any future changes to the planning controls in West Ryde before any changes are made.
On 26 July 2022, Council resolved to put any changes to the Ryde Local Environmental Plan 2014 (RLEP 2014) that would result in increases in height or density on hold, including in Town Centres, while City-wide community consultation occurs and a comprehensive review of the RLEP 2014 is discussed with the Department of Planning and Environment.
As the draft West Ryde Town Centre Masterplan proposes future changes to RLEP 2014, the Masterplan will be put on hold until a City-wide community consultation takes place. The draft Masterplan will then be reviewed in light of feedback received and Council will consider how to best proceed as part of its wider consideration of the whole RLEP 2014.
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