West Ryde - Meadowbank Renewal Strategy

Submissions closed on 18 February 2024, 11:59 PM


The West Ryde - Meadowbank Renewal Strategy is taking a fresh look on how to create a place that is a destination to live, work and play for generations to come. Key locations have been identified within the precinct to provide public and open spaces, outdoor dining and leisure opportunities, enhanced nightlife and building design.

The Strategy puts forward a vision for West Ryde - Meadowbank; the Principles that will guide how we develop the project, and Place Tactics that take tangible steps to better connect people and places.

The Strategy has built on previous masterplanning work for West Ryde and Meadowbank, but this time we’re doing things differently.

We are seeking your feedback on the vision to check we are on the right track before we move ahead with any more detailed work. We will use your feedback to adapt the strategic vision and inform how we will move forward. City of Ryde will continue to work with government agencies, key stakeholders and the community to bring the evolving vision to life.

Learn more about the West Ryde - Meadowbank Renewal Strategy by watching the three-minute video below, viewing the current and future vision for the key locations or by reading the West Ryde and Meadowbank Renewal Strategy document.

Current and Future Vision

These images represent the place today, and an indicative concept of the place into the future. We want to know if this vision aligns with what you want or expect.

Click here to view the Current and Future Visions

View the West Ryde - Meadowbank Renewal Strategy

View the Project Timeline


*Please note, dates may be subject to change


You can Have Your Say on the West Ryde - Meadowbank Renewal Strategy in a number of ways including by completing the online survey, at one of our community drop-in sessions and e-mail or post.  

Online Survey 

Please complete the online survey via the link below. If you are unable to fill in this survey online, please contact Customer Service on 9952 8222.

By completing the online survey and you can go in the draw to win one (1) of two (2) $100 Anystore Gift Cards. Please see our terms and conditions for more information.

Submissions will be received up until Sunday 18 February 2024. 

Submissions have now closed.

Businesses - Let's Talk

While we invite business feedback via our survey, City of Ryde invites our business community to book an appointment with Council staff to discuss the Strategy, ask questions and provide feedback. Thirty-minute sessions are available on weekdays from Monday 15 January - Friday 9 February 2024. Meetings can be online, via phone call or we can visit your business located in the West Ryde industrial area.

Bookings have now closed.

Drop-in Sessions

You're invited to come and meet with Council's Project Team, ask any questions you may have and provide your feedback. 

Where    Institute of Applied Technology - Digital (Completed)
Building M, See St, Meadowbank, 2114
Thursday 1 February 2024
 Anytime between 10.00am - 2.00pm

Where     Ryde Wharf Market (Completed)
                Anderson Park and Ryde Wharf, Meadowbank, 2114
When      Sunday 10 December 2023
Time        Anytime between 10.00am - 12.00pm (midday)     

Where    Anzac Park (Completed)
               Wattle Street, West Ryde, 2114
When     Tuesday 12 December 2023
Time       Anytime between 3.00pm - 5.00pm

Where    West Ryde Marketplace (Completed)
               14 Anthony Road, West Ryde, 2114
When     Thursday 14 December 2023
Time       Anytime between 10.00am - 12.00pm (midday)
Please note: This drop-in session relocated from West Ryde Plaza to inside the West Ryde Marketplace. 

Written Submissions

Written submissions must be clearly marked as 'West Ryde - Meadowbank Renewal Strategy'. All submissions must be received by Sunday 18 February 2024.

Email cityofryde@ryde.nsw.gov.au
Post  City of Ryde, Locked Bag 2069, North Ryde NSW 1670  

Privacy Notification Personal information collected from you is held and used by Council under the provisions of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. The supply of information is voluntary, however if you cannot provide, or do not wish to provide the information sought, Council may be unable to process your application or request, or consider your submission. Please note that the exchange of information between the public and Council, may be accessed by others and could be made publicly available under the Government Information Public Access Act 2009 (GIPA Act). If you require further information please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222.