Council Resolution - Upgrade to Reserve Street

Published on 29 March 2021

The Upgrade to Reserve Street, between Miriam Road and West Parade, West Ryde was tabled at Council meeting held on Tuesday 23 March 2021.

At it's meeting, it was resolved that Council:

(a) Note its legal obligation as the delegated roads authority to repair, maintain and inspect the road.
(b) Notify the impacted residents along Reserve Street of Council’s legal obligations to upgrade Reserve Street to meet the relevant Australian Standards and legislations, where doing nothing is not an option.
(c) Finalise the scope of works and construct the road safety upgrade of Reserve Street known as ‘Option 3’ as part of Council’s 2021/22 Road Kerb Renewal Program.

What is 'Option 3'?

Option 3 maintains the existing character of the road between West Parade and house #31A Reserve Street (minor local widening to asphalt fronting #31A to #35), whilst upgrading the road between house #31A and Miriam Road. Upgrading the road includes: Provision of kerb and gutter on both sides of the road (with a reduced height of kerb and gutter on the residents side), formalising the existing car parking arrangement, by providing up to thirty-two (32) 90 degree spaces and eliminating all parallel parking on the residents side. Appropriate street signage to enforce this arrangement will also be installed. A designated area has been nominated along Reserve Street adjacent to Miriam Park that will provide a highly vegetated area designed by a suitably qualified landscape architect.

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