At it’s meeting held on 28 April 2020, Council resolved the following in part:
a) That Council conduct a traffic study for Waterview Street, Putney and neighbouring streets to investigate implementing speed controls and signage.
b) That part of the study include consulting the residents and investigate whether a shared speed zone can be implemented in Waterview Street, Putney.
A traffic study has now been completed.
The City of Ryde classifies all its roads based on traffic volumes and functionality. There are four classifications of roads, with examples of these roads provided below:
- Arterial Road e.g. Victoria Road, Epping Road – 25,000+ vehicles per day
- Sub Arterial e.g. Pittwater Road, Morrison Road – 10,000+ vehicles per day
- Collector Road e.g. Charles Street, Cressy Road – 5000+ vehicles per day
- Local Road e.g. Waterview Street.
Waterview Street is classified as a minor local road given its location within the local road network. To determine whether traffic calming is required on a local road, a review of conditions is undertaken including traffic volumes, speed counts and crash analysis. The location of the street in terms of its attractiveness for rat-running traffic is also a consideration.
The results of the Waterview Street traffic study were the following:
- Traffic Volumes - Traffic counts undertaken in both 2019 and 2020 indicate that the average weekday volume on the street is approximately 1000 vehicles per day, which indicates that most traffic on the street consists of local residents travelling to and from their homes.
- Speed Counts - Speed counts undertaken in both 2019 and 2020 indicate that 85% of all drivers are doing a speed ranging between 55kph-57kph. Whilst this speed is slightly over the posted speed limit of 50kph, in traffic engineering terms it does not signify that Waterview Street has a speeding issue.
- Crash Analysis - A crash analysis was undertaken along the street for the period 2014 to September 2019 (the latest confirmed crash data available to Council). This crash database contains all crashes which have either been reported to NSW Police or where NSW Police were in attendance.
A review of the crash database indicates that there has been only 1 minor tow away crash, which occurred at the intersection of Delange Road and Waterview Street on 14th February 2016.
Based on a combination of the low speeds and low number of crashes, an investment by Council in the installation of traffic calming devices on Waterview Street is not considered to be warranted.
The second part of the Council resolution was to assess whether Waterview Street would be a suitable candidate for the installation of a shared zone. A shared zone is where both pedestrians and vehicles share the same road space. A reduced speed limit of 10kph applies to all shared zones, with traffic calming devices required to enforce this reduced speed limit. Shared zones are only permitted by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) on short sections of roadway where there is significant pedestrian activity.
It is acknowledged that the shared user path along Parramatta River does see significant pedestrian activity; however the existing shared user path along the southern side of Waterview Street adequately caters for this pedestrian activity. An initial discussion with TfNSW indicates that a shared zone would not be approved along Waterview Street as this type of installation is generally only considered in busy laneways servicing town centres where motorists expect to need to slow down.
Whilst a shared zone is unlikely to be supported by TfNSW, as part of a more customer-centric approach and in response to some resident feedback, we are seeking to understand the level of wider community support for traffic calming measures in your street.
It is important to note that traffic calming measures include devices such as speed humps and road narrowing that can result in:
- Increased levels of noise for residents located near speed humps and road narrowing as vehicles go over the device and slow down on the approach.
- The removal of on-street parking to allow for the devices.
- The occasional need to give-way to oncoming traffic.
- Additional signage which can detract from the visual amenity of the street.
Once the design process is commenced, whilst resident views will be considered, there is no guarantee that the above listed impacts will not affect your property.
Due to the impacts of traffic calming measures listed above, it is important that we hear from you as to whether you support Council progressing more detailed investigations into the implementation of such traffic calming measures.
Council would like to hear your feedback before progressing with further traffic calming measures in Waterview Street, Putney.
You can Have Your Say on the Traffic Calming Investigations - Waterview Street, Putney by completing the online submission below.
All submissions must be received by Sunday 18 October 2020.
Online Submission
Online submissions has now closed.
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