City of Ryde is seeking feedback on the proposal to install temporary ‘No Stopping’ along both sides of Rhodes Street, the western side of Mellor Street and the eastern side of Hermitage Road, Meadowbank to assist with road safety for the general public during construction of the new schools (Reference: SSD-9343) and the new Tafe building (Reference: SSD-10349).
What are the proposed changes?
Temporary ‘No Stopping’ zones are required at the following locations to assist with the safety of road users within Mellor Street, Rhodes Street and Hermitage Road when the largest construction vehicles (being a 19m long semi-trailer) associated with the construction activity for the new schools and Tafe campus building are travelling to/from the site:
- One (1) unrestricted parking space along the northern side of Rhodes Street to the immediate west of Mellor St;
- Two (2) unrestricted parking spaces and a loading zone along the southern side of Rhodes Street to the immediate west of Tafe campus driveway;
- One (1) unrestricted parking space along the western side of Mellor Street to the immediate north of Rhodes St;
- Two (2) unrestricted parking spaces along the southern side of Rhodes Street to the immediate east of Hermitage Road; and
- Three (3) unrestricted parking spaces along the eastern side of Hermitage Road to the immediate north of Rhodes Street.
Why is the change being considered?
Review of the desktop turning path manoeuvres associated with the largest vehicle to access the site (being a 19m long semi-trailer) in conjunction with on-site inspections have indicated that such vehicles encroach over the centreline, where the road curves at Mellor St/Rhodes St and Hermitage Rd/Rhodes St, which does not allow an opposing vehicle to safely pass.
Installing temporary ‘No Stopping’ at the locations shown in the signage plan will therefore assist with the safety of traffic flow at the road bends in addition to minimising the risk of accidents to on-street parked vehicles in the vicinity of these road bends.
You can Have Your Say on the Rhodes St, Hermitage Rd and Mellor Street, Meadowbank – Proposed Temporary ‘No Stopping’ by completing the online submission below.
Online Submission
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