Social Plan and Creativity Strategy

Submissions closed on 31 March 2019, 08:00 AM

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The City of Ryde is currently developing a Social Plan to identify Council's priorities and aspiration for Social Wellbeing, and a Creativity Strategy to identify ways Council can support arts and creativity within the City of Ryde over the next 5 years.

The Social Plan 2019-2024 will look at topics such as Community Safety, Health and Wellbeing and Community Connections to provide a framework of Council's commitment to supporting community and social wellbeing. 

The Creativity Strategy will provide direction for arts and creativity and will include an audit of Council's cultural facilities, spaces, industries and occupations as well as Council's natural and cultural heritage, education, places of worship and community organisations.


Have your say on what Council focuses on, and determines as priorities over the next 5 years in social wellbeing and arts and creativity.

Complete the Interactive Map

Use the interactive map to help us identify special cultural, creative, community and social places in the City of Ryde. If you are unable to fill in this map, please contact Council's Customer Service team on 9952 8222 who will assist you over the phone. Submissions will be received up until Sunday 31 March 2019.

Complete the Online Surveys

Social Plan & Creativity Strategy Survey
Online Survey is now closed

Arts & Culture Survey
Calling artists of all levels and disciplines, creative professionals and people that love arts and culture.  
Online Survey is now closed

If you are unable to fill in the surveys or don't have online access, please contact Customer Service on 9952 8222 to send you a paper copy of the survey. Survey responses will be received up until 11.59pm Sunday 31 March 2019.

Community Workshops

Attend one of the community workshops to share your experiences and help identity priorities and opportunities for social wellbeing and culture in the City of Ryde.

Date: Thursday 7 March 2019
Time: 10.00am-11.30am or 6.00pm-7.30pm
Where: Ryde Civic Hall
Online registrations have now closed.


Date: Wednesday 13 March 2019*
Time: 6.00pm-7.30pm
Where: Ryde Civic Hall
*This workshop welcomes multicultural community members, translation services will be available on the day.
Online registrations have now closed.