LDA2015/0032 - 37 Nancarrow Ave, Ryde. Stages 6 and 7
Applicant: Rothesay Avenue Developments Pty Ltd
Description: Demolition of all structures, excavation and construction of 2 residential flat buildings with a maximum height of 8 storeys. The development will contain a total of 311 residential apartments over a combined basement carpark containing 422 parking spaces. Access to the basement is via Nancarrow Avenue. The development also proposes infrastructure works including the lowering of Constitution Road, traffic signals and stormwater infrastructure through the site. Landscaping works are also proposed including the creation of publicly accessible pedestrian and cycle through site links.
LDA2015/0031 - 116-144 Bowden St, Meadowbank. Stages 8 and 9
Applicant: Rothesay Avenue Developments Pty Ltd
Description: Demolition of all structures, excavation and erection of a mixed use development involving the following:
- Construction of three residential flat buildings. Two of these buildings will be a maximum of 10 storeys and the third building will be a maximum of 6 storeys. In total 422 residential apartments are proposed.
- The buildings will be erected over basement carparking containing 573 car parking spaces. Access to the basement is via Nancarrow Avenue.
- A single storey commercial building is also proposed on the site.
- Landscaping works including the creation of a publicly accessible pedestrian and cycle through site link.
- Infrastructure works on and adjacent to the site.