On 11 November 2014 City of Ryde Council resolved to amend the City of Ryde Development Control Plan – Part 9.3 Parking Controls (DCP).
What is a DCP?
A DCP is a set of planning controls that gives detailed guidance to the way development should look and feel and the amenities and/or facilities development should incorporate. The Ryde DCP Part 9.3 Parking Controls applies to all permissible developments in the City of Ryde and specifies the quantum of parking required for each development type.
What are the proposed changes?
The purpose of the amendment is to clarify clause 2.6 which provides that
Council may accept or require the payment of a parking contribution in lieu of the provision of off-street parking in centres (identified in Centres and Small Centres Maps Ryde Local Environmental Plan 2014 (LEP))…
LEP 2014 came into effect on the 12 September 2014. The NSW Department of Planning and Environment, in notifying the LEP, made a number of amendments to the LEP including deleting the Small Centres Map. As a result the reference to the Small Centres Map in the above clause is proposed to be amended to refer to the Small Centres Map (page 3-27) in the Ryde Local Planning Study - Part 3 Small Centre (see attached).
The effect of the proposed amendment is to give Council and small business in particular, flexibility in relation to parking requirements in the local centres such as Putney Village and Meadowbank Station Shops (west) to provide a monetary contribution in lieu of parking. The contributions are used by Council to upgrade the public domain (including parking) in Ryde’s local centres.