Putney Park Beach Activation

Submissions closed on 22 March 2020, 11:59 PM

 202002 - HYS - MREC - Putney Park Beach Activation.jpg

Artist impression of Putney Park Beach steps, may be subject to change

The City of Ryde is seeking feedback on a proposal to construct sandstone steps at Putney Park to activate the foreshore and provide the community with access to the existing beach area.

In October 2019, Council endorsed the Parramatta River Masterplan which sets out to make Parramatta River swimmable again by 2025. Through extensive community consultation and endorsement from Council, Putney Park was chosen as one of three potential future swimming sites.

To deliver on this plan, Council is proposing the construction of steps to enhance the amenity of the park, provide new recreation opportunities for the community and progress towards future swimmability of the site by 2025.

What are the proposed upgrades?

The proposed steps will be approximately 10 to 15 metres long and centrally located along the foreshore area nearest to the playground area to provide access to the beach. The design will aim to provide connection to the beach area through seating and stepped access whilst providing future ecological benefit through its design within tidal zones of the river.

The upgrades for the site will provide an opportunity for the community to access and explore the foreshore and interact with the beach whilst also providing visual interest to others. Council will also look at connections to the surrounding area and will review shading opportunities to expand tree planting. 


Submissions can be made using the online submission form below, e-mail or post.

Written submissions must be clearly marked as 'Putney Park Beach Activation' and will be received up until Sunday 22 March 2020.

Post: General Manager, City of Ryde, Locked Bag 2069, North Ryde NSW 1670
Email: cityofryde@ryde.nsw.gov.au

Online Submission

Submissions have now closed.



Putney Park, Pellisier Rd, Putney 2112  View Map

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