City of Ryde Council is seeking community comment on the proposed changes to the Ryde Local Environment Plan 2014 (RLEP) which aims to amend the commercial and industrial car parking controls in the Macquarie Park Corridor to cater for future transport demands.
The Planning Proposal will be on public exhibition from Wednesday 21 September 2016 until 4.30pm, Friday 28 October 2016.
What is the planning proposal?
A Planning Proposal explains the proposed changes to Ryde LEP 2014 and the justification for making the changes.
The Macquarie Park Corridor has experienced significant growth in recent years and is expected to double floor space and worker numbers by 2031. Parking provisions will play a decisive role in managing congestion and influencing transport mode share in the future. The proposed changes are supported by the “Macquarie Park Parking Rates Study” prepared by Bitzios Consulting, which forms part of the exhibition materials.
What are the planning proposal amendments?
The Planning Proposal involves removing the parking controls for commercial and industrial development in Macquarie Park from Ryde LEP 2014 by deleting the Macquarie Park Corridor Parking Restrictions Maps and placing them in Ryde Development Control Plan 2014 (RDCP).
Current parking requirements
1/46m2, 1/70m2 and 1/80m2 dependent on site location in relation to the railway stations and as shown in the Ryde LEP 2014 Macquarie Park Corridor Parking Restrictions Maps.
New parking requirements
1/60m2 and 1/100m2 (maximum rate) dependent on site location. View Related Information 'Draft amendments to Ryde Development Control Plan 2014 Part 9.3' for more details.
These new reduced parking requirements will only apply to new floor space, not to alterations and additions to existing industrial and commercial development. It is intended that the parking rates for alterations to existing commercial and industrial premises will be revised at a later date to be consistent with the parking rates for new floor space.
The Planning Proposal also involves changes to the Ryde LEP Centres Map, to identify the properties at 14-58 Delhi Road and 3 Plassey Road, Macquarie Park as part of the Macquarie Park Corridor, and removing Clause 4.5B Macquarie Park Corridor subclause (4)(b) to correct a drafting error relating to land uses on the ground floor of buildings.
In the draft amendments to RDCP 2014 it is also intended to relocate the parking controls for residential development in Macquarie Park from Part 4.5 Macquarie Park Corridor into Part 9.3 Parking Controls (with no change to the parking requirement).
It is also proposed to amend RDCP 2014 Part 4.5 Macquarie Park Corridor to remove information from Part 1.0 Preliminary with respect to the Herring Road Urban Activation Precinct, which is now out of date.
Council Reports & Resolutions
Join Us
If you would like to find out more please join us at one of our information sessions.
Information Session
Come along to the information session at City of Ryde Council Chambers on Wednesday 12 October, 12pm - 2pm. The Council Chambers are now located at Level 1a, 1 Pope Street, Ryde (above Ryde Library).
This will be a great chance to discuss the amendments to the RLEP in relation to the Planning Proposal to remove Macquarie Park car parking controls. To RSVP contact Council's Customer Service by email or by phone (02) 9952 8222.
Drop-in Information Sessions
- Tuesday 27 September 2017, 5pm - 7.30pm at the North Ryde School of Arts Community Centre, 201 Cox's Road, North Ryde
- Tuesday 11 October 2016, 10am - 2pm at the City of Ryde North Ryde Office, The Binary Centre, Building 0, Level 1, 3 Richardson Place, North Ryde
You do not have to RSVP to attend a Drop-in session.
Write to Us
Written submissions clearly marked 'Planning Proposal - Macquarie Park Car Parking' can be sent by email or post and will be received up until 4.30pm on Friday 28 October 2016.
The feedback from this consultation will be reported back to Council for its consideration. It is Council's policy that all submissions in relation to draft controls will be publicly available on request. For more information please call our Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222.
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Personal information collected from you is held and used by Council under the provisions of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. The supply of information is voluntary, however if you cannot provide, or do not wish to provide the information sought, Council may be unable to process your application or request, or consider your submission. Please note that the exchange of information between the public and Council, may be accessed by others and could be made publicly available under the Government Information Public Access Act 2009 (GIPA Act). If you require further information please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222.