Council is seeking community comment on a Housekeeping Review Planning Proposal which seeks to amend the Ryde Local Environmental Plan 2014 (RLEP 2014) to correct a range of administrative anomalies identified in the operation of the RLEP 2014. It also introduces new provisions for community facilities, recreation areas and advertising signage.
The Planning Proposal has been prepared in accordance with Section 3.33 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 which outlines the requirements of Planning Proposals. On 22 March 2022, Council resolved to forward the Housekeeping Review Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment for Gateway Determination.
The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) issued a Gateway Determination in May 2022 for the Planning Proposal to proceed to public exhibition for a minimum of 20 working days. Council has been given delegation to exhibit the Planning Proposal as the Planning Proposal Authority but does not have the authority to make the plan.
The Planning Proposal is on exhibition from Monday 01 August to Monday 29 August 2022 for community comment.
The Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Ryde LEP 2014 as follows:
- Community facilities are proposed to be permitted with consent in the SP1 Special Activities and SP2 Infrastructure zones to assist government agencies and non-profit community organisations in providing services within additional suitable locations
- Recreation areas are proposed to be permitted with consent in the C2 Environmental Conservation zone to reflect the existence of children’s play areas in existing Council owned parks. This change will facilitate the upgrades of these play areas. A development application will be required, and any work facilitated by this change would also require the resolution of Council and community notification
- Amend clause 4.3A Exceptions to height of buildings and clause 4.4A Exception to floor space ratio to define laneways more clearly
- Remove redundant additional permitted uses clauses from Schedule 1 and correct a street address
- General advertisements on the following structures: public seats, bus shelters, bins and electric parking vehicle stations are proposed to be permitted as exempt developments. The structures would be required to be situated on council-owned public roads and associated road use land
- Community service signages in Business, Industrial, Special Activities and Special Infrastructure zones are proposed to be permitted as exempt developments
- Correct the property description and street addresses of heritage items and remove one already demolished item from Schedule 5
- Various mapping changes to reflect the changes mentioned above and correct mapping anomalies
- Repeal Ryde Local Environmental Plan 2010 (RLEP 2010) so as there is only one LEP applicable to the Ryde Local Government Area. The controls of RLEP 2010 will be transferred to RLEP 2014.
Hard Copies of the Documents
Hard copies of the Planning Proposal and related material are available to be viewed at:
- City of Ryde Customer Service Centre, 1 Pope Street, Ryde (Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 5.00 pm)
- Libraries – Ryde, North Ryde, West Ryde, Gladesville and Eastwood during branch hours)
For further information please call our Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222.
You can Have Your Say on the Planning Proposal – Housekeeping Review 2022 in a number of ways including completing the submission form below, via e-mail or post.
Written Submissions
Written submissions must be clearly marked as ‘Planning Proposal – Housekeeping Review 2022, reference LEP2021/8/8’. All submissions must be received by Council by Monday 29 August 2022.
It is Council policy that all submissions received will be publicly accessible on request. Supplying your personal information is voluntary. However, anonymous submissions may be given less weight (or no weight) in the overall consideration of the proposal.
Online Submissions
Online Submissions are now closed.