Near a proposed heritage item and/or heritage conservation area
Planning Proposal - Heritage Review 2019
The City of Ryde currently has 173 heritage items and 5 heritage listed conservation areas on its Heritage Schedule. Recently, a Heritage Review was commissioned and it proposed 44 new heritage items (11 of which are Council or Government owned) and 6 new heritage conservation areas to be added to Council's heritage list.
How do I know if a proposed item in the Heritage Review 2019 is near my property?
If you are near a proposed heritage item and/or proposed heritage conservation area you would have received a letter from Council advising this. Alternatively you can use our interactive online map to search your address. If you zoom out you will be able to see the properties around you and if any property has a map pin (a proposed heritage item) and/or a colour-shaded area (proposed heritage conservation area), then it means your property is 'near' a proposed heritage item and/or proposed heritage conservation area. Click here to go to our interactive map.
Does this mean my property is proposed to be heritage listed?
No, your property is not proposed to be heritage listed.
What does it mean if my property is near a proposed heritage item and/or proposed heritage conservation area in the 2019 Heritage Review?
If your property is considered near a proposed item in the Heritage Review 2019, it means that you are up to three (3) properties away from a proposed item in the Heritage Review 2019. The examples below show where a proposed item in the Heritage Review 2019 would be (highlighted in red and/or light brown), and the properties that are considered near it (highlighted in blue). As an example your property would be one of the properties highlighted in blue.
How do I find out what type of item is near my property?
You can use our interactive online map to search your address. If you zoom out you will be able to see the properties around you and if a property near (up to three (3) properties away from) your property has a map pin you are near a proposed heritage item and/or if it is near a colour-shaded area you are near a proposed heritage conservation area. Click here to go to our interactive map.
How does this affect development on a property?
This may only affect your property if you lodge a development application (DA), as you may be required to prepare a Heritage Impact Statement. Being near a heritage item or heritage conservation area does not impact on the ability to carry out exempt or complying development. Exempt development is minor development that does not require any approval provided it meets specified criteria. Complying development is small scale, low impact development that can be approved by either Council or a privately accredited certifier.
What are the requirements of a Heritage Impact Statement?
A Heritage Impact Statement is a document that addresses:
- why the item is of heritage significance (Once an item is listed, information on its significance will be readily available online)
- what impact the proposed works will have on that significance
- what measures are proposed to mitigate negative impacts
For general queries on the Heritage Impact Statement requirements as part of development application lodgement, you will need to speak to Council's Heritage Officer. If you have a specific question/s regarding your property, you can fill in the form at the bottom of this page with your question/s and a representative from Council will respond to you to your query. Click here to go to the form.
What if I have specific question/s regarding my property?
If you have a specific question/s regarding your property, you can fill in the form at the bottom of this page with your question/s and a representative from Council will respond to you to your query. Click here to go to the form.
How do I give my feedback on whether I support or do not support the Planning Proposal - Heritage Review 2019?
You can provide your feedback through our online survey where it will ask you questions regarding your support. Click here to complete the survey. Submissions will be received up until 11.59pm on Sunday 10 November 2019.
Please note: The survey has been updated so you can provide feedback on your specific property, as well as the other proposals listed in the heritage review. If you have already filled in the survey, we kindly ask that you fill it in again however only the new questions in the survey will appear for you to answer. Your answers to these additional questions will be added to your original survey response and both will be included in our reporting. If you have not completed the survey, the full survey will be available for you to complete.
Written Submissions
Written submissions must be clearly marked as ‘Planning Proposal – Heritage Review 2019'. They can be sent to:
All submissions must be received by Council by 11.59pm on Sunday 10 November 2019.
Please note that it is Council’s policy that all submissions received in relation to draft planning controls will be publicly available on request.
What happens once the consultation period closes?
Council is not the plan making authority for this Planning Proposal. Once consultation period has closed the results of this community consultation will be reported to Council in December. At its December Meeting Council will make a recommendation on the Heritage REview 2019. This recommendation will be forwarded to the Minister and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment together with a request to finalise and make the plan.
Online Submission Form
The online submission form is now closed.