Planning Proposal - 87 Bowden St, Ryde

Submissions closed on 09 June 2016, 11:59 PM

201606 - HYS - MREC - Planning Proposal - 87 Bowden St, Ryde

Proposed changes to Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP) relating to the site at 87 Bowden Street, Ryde will be on public exhibition from Monday 9 May 2016 until Thursday 9 June 2016 (inclusive).

The public exhibition process provides an opportunity for community members to review the draft changes to Council’s planning controls and provide comments for Council’s consideration.

The NSW Department of Planning and Environment has issued a Gateway Determination enabling the proposed changes to Council’s LEP to be publicly exhibited under section 57 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and has also issued an authorisation for Council to exercise its delegations with respect to the making of changes to the LEP.

What is the planning proposal?

The Planning Proposal explains the intended effect of the proposed changes to Ryde LEP 2014 and the justification for making the changes.

The proposal seeks to amend the relevant planning controls in Ryde LEP 2014 to identify the property as a listed heritage item. Council has placed an Interim Heritage Order over the property.

Political Gifts and Donations

Please note that in accordance with the Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979, a person who makes a public submission to Council in relation to the draft DCP is required to disclose the following reportable political donations and gifts (if any) made by a person making the submission (or any associate of that person) within the period commencing two years before the submission is made and ending with when the draft DCP is made:

  • All reportable political donations made to any councillor
  • All gifts made to any councillor, candidate or employee

Further information on reportable political donations and a copy of the Political Donations Disclosure form is available from the Department of Planning and Environment website.


Submissions can be made by e-mail or post.

Written submissions must be clearly marked as ‘ Planning Proposal – 87 Bowden Street, Ryde' and will be received up until  4.30pm on Thursday 9 June 2016. 

They can be sent to:

Privacy Notification

Personal information collected from you is held and used by Council under the provisions of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. The supply of information is voluntary, however if you cannot provide, or do not wish to provide the information sought, Council may be unable to process your application or request, or consider your submission. Please note that the exchange of information between the public and Council, may be accessed by others and could be made publicly available under the Government Information Public Access Act 2009 (GIPA Act). If you require further information please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222.


87 Bowden St, Ryde 2112  View Map

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