Council Resolution - 86 Blenheim Rd, 12A & 14 Epping Rd, North Ryde
Published on 28 August 2017
The Planning Proposal -86 Blenheim Road, 12A and 14 Epping Road, North Ryde was tabled at Council Meeting on Tuesday 22 August 2017.
At its meeting, Council resolved:
(a) That Council endorse that Ryde LEP 2014, as it relates to 86 Blenheim Road, 12A and 14 Epping Road North Ryde (LOTS C, D, E in DP 410408) be amended as follows:
i. Ryde LEP 2014 Land Zoning Map amended to rezone the land to RE1 Public Recreation
ii. Ryde LEP 2014 Floor Space Ratio Map be amended to remove the FSR control from the land;
iii. Ryde LEP 2014 Height of Building Map be amended to remove the Height control from the subject land;
iv. Ryde LEP 2014 Lot Size Map be amended to remove the controls from the subject land; and
v. Ryde LEP 2014 Land Reservation Acquisition Map be amended to identify the subject site as "Local Open Space" (coloured in yellow on the map).
(b) That Council endorse forwarding the Planning Proposal – 86 Blenheim Road, 12A and 14 Epping Road North Ryde to the Department of Planning and Environment with a request that the Plan be made and notified on the NSW Legislation Website.
(c) That Council endorse the amendments to the Integrated Open Space Plan
(d) That Council notify all community members who made a submission regarding the planning proposal.
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