City of Ryde Council is seeking community comment on a Planning Proposal for 45-61 Waterloo Road Macquarie Park which aims to facilitate the implementation of a new public park.
The Planning Proposal is on exhibition from 4 May to 1 June 2016.
What are the Planning Proposal Amendments?
In accordance with Council's resolutions of November 2015 the Planning Proposal seeks to:
- Rezone a 7,000m2 portion of the site fronting Waterloo Road from B3 Commercial Core to RE1 Public Recreation;
- Amend the maximum floor space ratio (FSR) development standard in order to:
- remove the FSR limit applying to the new area zoned RE1 Public Recreation; and
- evenly distribute the park site area and existing split FSRs of 1:1 and 2:1 at a unified rate of 2.26:1 across the land zoned B3 Commercial Core;
- Amend the maximum height of building development standard to:
- remove the height limit applying to the new area zoned RE1 Public Recreation; and
- amend the height controls in the south-west corner of the site to reflect those adjacent and the proposed location of the park;
- Include the 7,000m2 public open space area on the relevant Land Acquisition Reservation Map as "Local Open Space";
- Amend the Macquarie Park Corridor Precinct Incentive Floor Space Ratio Map in order to:
- remove the FSR limit applying to the new area zoned RE1 Public Recreation; and
- distribute the existing FSR at a rate of 3.66:1 across the land zoned B3 Commercial Core;
- Amend the Macquarie Park Corridor Precinct Incentive Height of Buildings Map in order to remove the height limit applying to the new area zoned RE1 Public Recreation.
Please note that the Planning Proposal is also supported by a subdivision plan, a Contamination Report which indicates that the site can be remediated for the purpose and a master plan showing the possible disposition of built form, across the site and a landscape concept plan for the park.
The Department of Planning and Environment issued a Gateway Determination on the 23 March 2016 enabling the proposed amendments to Council’s LEP to be publicly exhibited under section 57 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and has also issued an authorisation for Council to exercise its delegations with respect to the making of changes to the LEP.
View the Planning Proposal
Hard Copies of the Plan
Copies are also available to be viewed at:
- Ryde Planning and Business Centre
1 Pope Street, Ryde
(Monday - Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm)
- North Ryde Library
201 Cox's Rd, North Ryde
(during branch hours)
Submissions can be made by e-mail or post.
Written submissions must be clearly marked as ‘Planning Proposal 45-61 Waterloo Road, Macquarie Park' and will be received up until Friday 4.30pm on 1 June 2016. They can be sent to: