A Planning Proposal for 366-372 Lane Cove Road, 124A and 126 Epping Road and 1 Paul Street, North Ryde is now on exhibition. The responsible authority for the Planning Proposal is the Sydney North Planning Panel. Details of the Planning Proposal and where to make a submission on the Planning Proposal are provided below.
The Sydney North Planning Panel is the relevant planning authority for the following planning proposal:
- 2017SNH006 – Ryde – PP_2016_RYDEC_008_00 - 366-372 Lane Cove Road, 124A and 126 Epping Road and 1 Paul Street, North Ryde
The proposal, as revised by the proponent dated 3 April 2017, seeks to:
- rezone the site from R2 Low Density Residential to R3 Medium Density Residential;
- increase the maximum building height from 9.5 metres to a height in metres consistent with 10 storeys (approx. 35 metres);
- increase the FSR from 0.5:1 to 1.5:1; and
- enable medical centres and food and drink premises through Schedule 1.
The planning proposal and other accompanying documents may be viewed on the Planning Panels web site and may be inspected from Wednesday 3 May 2017 until Wednesday 31 May 2017 during regular business hours at:
- Department of Planning & Environment, 320 Pitt Street, Sydney
- North Ryde Library, 201 Coxs Road, North Ryde
- City of Ryde Customer Service Centre, 1 Pope Street, Ryde (Top Ryde Shopping City shopping centre).
Any questions regarding the Planning Proposal should be made to the Department of Planning and Environment on 9274 6585.
Hard Copies of the Proposal
From Wednesday 3 May 2017 until Wednesday 31 May 2017 hard copies are available to be viewed at:
- Department of Planning & Environment
320 Pitt Street, Sydney
- City of Ryde Customer Service Centre
1 Pope Street, Ryde
(Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 5.00pm)
- North Ryde Library
201 Coxs Road, North Ryde
(during branch hours)
Any person may make a written submission on the proposal during the exhibition period. Submissions should be emailed to PlanComment@planningpanels.nsw.gov.au or by post to Planning Panels Secretariat, GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001 clearly marked ‘Planning Proposal Submission’.
Your submission must be lodged by 31 May 2017 and must include:
- the planning proposal title clearly marked on the front page;
- a statement on whether you support or object to the proposal; and
- the reasons why you support or object to the proposal
Persons lodging submissions must declare reportable political donations (including donations of $1000 or more) made in the previous two years. For more details, and a disclosure form, go to the Planning Panels website www.planningpanels.nsw.gov.au.
Submissions or a summary of submissions will be made public. If you do not want your name and address to be made public, please clearly state this on the front page of your submission.