Parramatta River Parklands - Draft Plan of Management

Submissions closed on 27 June 2018, 11:59 PM

201805 - HYS - MREC - Parramatta River Parklands

The City of Ryde has developed a management plan for the majority of the parks and reserves which border the Parramatta River. This plan is applicable to 17 Parks and 7 road reserves which are managed and maintained by Council.


To ensure consistency and transparency in the way we manage and maintain these parks, Council has drafted a Plan of Management. This draft Plan identifies issues and proposes strategies to protect and guide the future use of these parks.

The draft Parramatta River Parklands Plan of Management is currently on public exhibition until Wednesday 27 June 2018. During the exhibition period you can provide your comments on the draft Plan.

Hard Copies of the Documents

From Wednesday 30 May until Wednesday 27 June 2018 hard copies of the draft Parramatta Rive Parklands Plan of Management are available to be viewed at: 

  • Customer Service Centre
    1 Pope Street, Ryde 
    (Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.00pm)
  • All City of Ryde Libraries
    (during branch hours)


Have your say on the Parramatta River Parklands draft Plan of Management by using the submission form below.

Online Submission

Online Submissions are now closed.

If you require more information about the Draft Parramatta River Parklands Plan of Management please call our Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222 or email