City of Ryde has received requests from residents in Lyndhurst Street, Gladesville, for consideration to be given to address parking behaviour and driveway access issues in the street.
To assist residents with parking and driveway access issues, Council is proposing the following improvements:
- On-street parking bay linemarkings and ‘Park in Bays Only’ restrictions
The spacing of driveways along Lyndhurst Street has resulted in some drivers parking their vehicles between driveways where the space is not long enough to accommodate their vehicle. In some instances these parked vehicles have blocked entry/exit to the driveways.
To address this issue, Council is proposing to install line-markings to establish standard length on-street parking bays, along with associated “Park in Bays Only” signage. Any vehicles parked outside the parking bays are then liable to be infringed.
- ‘2P 7am-5pm Mon-Fri’ restriction on the eastern-side
Council is also proposing to install 2P (2-hour) parking restrictions along the eastern-side of Lyndhurst Street (odd property numbers). This restriction would be in affect between 7:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday only, with the no restrictions applying in the evenings or on weekends. The purpose of this restriction is to improve access issues for all users of the street.
In addition to the proposed improvements, Council will install new linemarkings, ‘GIVE-WAY’ signage and ‘NO STOPPING; signage on Lyndhurst Street at its intersections with Buffalo Road and Higginbotham Road, in order to formalise the Give-Way controls. These improvements will increase safety for drivers entering and exiting the street.
Click below to view the plans.
Use the online submission form below to provide feedback on the proposed on-street parking bay linemarkings and ‘Park in Bays Only’ restrictions; and the proposed ‘2P 7am-5pm Mon-Fri’ restriction on the eastern-side of Lyndhurst Street. All submissions must be received by Sunday 9 December 2018.
Online Submission
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