Naming of New Roads

Submissions closed on 04 March 2020, 11:59 PM


City of Ryde is proposing to name new roads within the City as follows:

Proposed name: Dirrabari Road
History of name: This is the Aboriginal name for the endangered Ironbark trees in the nearby Wallumatta Nature Reserve.
Where: New road running parallel to Waterloo Road, between Lane Cove and Khartoum Road.

Proposed name: Harvest Street
History of name: Name reflects the Market Garden history of the site.
Where: New road running off Waterloo Road, on the eastern side of the development at 45-61 Waterloo Road, Macquarie Park.

This notice is hereby given under Section 7 of the Roads Regulation 2008. Council has conformed to the requirements of the Geographical Names Board (GNB) as described in the NSW Road Naming Policy available on the GNB website at


Submissions can be made using the online submission form below, e-mail or post.

Written submissions must be clearly marked as 'Proposed Naming of New Roads' and will be received up until Wednesday 4 March 2020.

Post: General Manager, City of Ryde, Locked Bag 2069, North Ryde NSW 1670

Online Submission 

The submission period has now closed.

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