Council Resolution - Meadowbank Skate Park Extension of Lighting Times
Published on 26 May 2022
The Meadowbank Skate Park - Extension of Winter Lighting Times was tabled at Council meeting.
At its meeting held on Tuesday 24 May 2022, Council resolved the following:
(a) That Council defer this matter regarding the lighting extension of the Meadowbank Skate Park for the months of May, June, July and August (excluding Sunday evenings), subject to further consultation with residents and users about a compromise involving an extension of time on certain days of the week, with a further report to come back to Council.
(b) That prior to the report coming back to Council, a workshop be held with Councillors to discuss all the other issues regarding the Meadowbank Skate Park.
Further consultation with residents and users will be scheduled to discuss a compromise involving an extension of lighting times on certain days of the week. Council will provide a further update when this consultation is due to occur.
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