In 2017, the NSW Government made Local Planning Panels (LPPs) mandatory for all Councils in the Greater Sydney region and Wollongong City Council. The LPP came into operation in March 2018. The Panels have been put in place so that the process of assessment and determination of development applications is transparent and accountable.
The LPP comprises a Chair (selected by the Minister of Planning), two independent expert members and a community member. The independent experts and the community member are selected by Council.
The Chair is required to have expertise in law or government and public administration. The experts are required to be an expert in one or more of the following areas: planning, architecture, heritage, the environment, urban design, economics, traffic and transport, law, engineering, tourism or government and public administration. The community member is to represent the geographical area within the LGA of the proposed development.
Councillors and Mayors will not be permitted to be on the panels in their local government area, nor are property developers or real estate agents.
The Department of Planning and Environment has developed guidelines and operational requirements for the LPPs. This information includes details of what applications must be determined by the LPP, the process for reviewing applications and provide guidance on the selection of the community representative.
For further information on the legislation and LPPs is outlined on the Department of Planning and Environment’s website.
City of Ryde is seeking expressions of interest from interested representatives of the local community.
Local community representatives are being sort who have a demonstrated understanding and experience in similar or related fields to the experts.
Members will be renumerated for attending panel meetings.
Panel meetings will typically be convened on a monthly basis.
The term of the engagement will be for a three year period with the option to extend this term by a further three years.
Expressions of interest have now closed.