Gannan Park and McCauley Park Draft Masterplan

Submissions closed on 25 May 2018, 11:59 PM

Stage 2  (completed)

Based on the feedback from the key topics in Stage 1, Council created a draft masterplan for the parks. Click the link in the menu on the right to view the draft masterplan for the parks.

Stage 1  (completed)

Last year, as part of Stage 1 of the community consultation, we asked for your thoughts on what you would like to see at Gannan Park and McCauley Park now and into the future. Recommendations from the community feedback included some of the following topics:


Why is a masterplan needed?

The City of Ryde delivers a wide range of sport and recreation services through a network of regional, district, neighbourhood and local open space, parklands, sportsgrounds, indoor and outdoor facilities. While the network has served the community well for many years, Council recognises that within the context of a rapidly growing and changing area, the roles and functions of our facilities need to be constantly reviewed and updated to meet the community's needs.

To address the needs of the growing community and sporting groups, Council has created a draft masterplan for Gannan Park and McCauley Park in Ryde. 


You can have your say on the Gannan Park and McCauley Park draft masterplan in several ways including online or at one of our community events.

Online Survey

Complete our online survey. The survey will be open from Wednesday 11 April to Friday 25 May 2018. If you are unable to fill in this survey online or don’t have access, please contact us on 1300 103 446 to send you a paper copy of the survey. Survey responses will be received up until 4.30pm on Friday 25 May 2018.

The online survey is now closed.

Drop-in Sessions

Come along and talk to the project team, ask any questions you may have and provide your comments on the draft masterplan.

Weekend Drop-in Session
Date:   Saturday 5 May 2018 
Time:   Anytime between 11.30am - 1.30pm
Where: near the playground, Gannan Park, Buna Street, Ryde

Weekday Drop-in Session
Date: Thursday 10 May 2018
Time: Anytime between 3.30pm - 5.30pm
Where: near the playground, Gannan Park, Buna Street, Ryde

If you require more information about the future of Gannan Park and McCauley Park please call Customer Service on 9952 8222.