Financial Assistance to Cover Legal Fees Associated with the Purchase of Parcel of Land at 1 Shackel Avenue, Gladesville
Council's public footpath currently encroaches the private property identified at 1 Shackel Avenue, Gladesville. The area of encroachment is approximately 12.73m2.
Following its meeting on 25 May 2021, Council is proposing to financially assist the owners of 1 Shackel Avenue, Gladesville by covering their legal costs associated with Council's purchases of the subject land. The financial assistance for legal costs will be capped at a maximum of $2,000.
Pursuant to Section 356(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, Council is providing 28 days notification. Once the notification period has closed, Council will commence the process of road widening with the owners of 1 Shackel Avenue, Gladesville.
You can Have Your Say on the Financial Assistance for Legal Fees for Purchase of Land - 1 Shackel Ave, Gladesville in a number of ways including completing the submission form below, via e-mail or post.
Written submissions must be clearly marked as 'Financial Assistance for Legal Fees for Purchase of Land - 1 Shackel Ave, Gladesville' and will be received up until Sunday 4 July 2021.
Online Submission
Online Submissions have now closed.