Council Resolution - Eastwood Plaza Upgrade (as part of Yuhu VPA)
Published on 04 June 2019
The Eastwood Plaza Upgrade as part of Yuhu Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) was tabled at Council Meeting on Tuesday 28 May 2019.
At its meeting, Council resolved:
(a) That Council accept the Voluntary Planning Agreement detailed in ATTACHMENTS 3 to 9 as agreed with YUHU Property (Australia) Pty Ltd, being made in accordance with their Letter of offer dated 13 January 2018 in relation to Development Application LDA2016/378 at 152-186 Rowe Street and 3-5 Rutledge Street, Eastwood.
(b) That Council delegate authority to the General Manager to:
(i) Negotiate and authorise any changes to the Voluntary Planning Agreement (including the Functional Brief) resulting from its public exhibition, provided that those changes do not diminish the value or nature of the public benefits to be delivered as identified in the Planning Agreement and a larger water feature. Council Meeting Page 6 Minutes of the Council Meeting No. 5/19, dated 28 May 2019. (ii) Subsequently enter into the Voluntary Planning Agreement on behalf of Council.
(c) That upon transfer of ownership to Council of the key worker housing apartments at 152-186 Rowe Street and 3-5 Rutledge Street, Eastwood, public notification of the intention to classify the land as operational, in accordance with Section 34 of the Local Government Act 1993 be undertaken.
(d) That the key worker housing apartments at 152-186 Rowe Street and 3-5 Rutledge Street, Eastwood, be classified as operational land, subject to no objecting submissions during the notification period.
(e) That the detailed design be provided to Council for endorsement prior to its finalisation.
(f) That YUHU Property (Australia) Pty Ltd be informed of Council’s decision.
For a copy of the report, please see the agenda - Council Meeting - 28 May 2019 Agenda.
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