The City of Ryde Social Plan 2019-2024 outlines a strategic roadmap to sustain and improve social wellbeing in the City of Ryde for our communities and places as they grow and change over the next five years.
The plan has been developed through extensive research and consultation with our diverse community and key stakeholders including government, not-for-profit and private sectors.
It provides a shared vision for a cohesive, inclusive and healthy community and network of connected places and people. The five strategic directions, together with the vision, provide a framework to guide the future activities, services and programs delivered by the community and Council.
The draft City of Ryde Social Plan 2019-2024 is on public exhibition for review and community comment.
Hard Copies
From Monday 2 September until Sunday 29 September 2019, hard copies of the Draft Social Plan are available to be viewed at:
- Customer Service Centre
1 Pope Street, Ryde
(Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.00pm)
- All City of Ryde Libraries
(during branch hours)
Submissions can be made by using the online submission form below, e-mail or post.
Written submissions must be clearly marked as 'Draft Social Plan' and will be received up until Sunday 29 September 2019. They can be sent to:
Online Submission
Online submissions have closed.