Notice of Exhibition of Draft City of Ryde Section 7.11 Development Contributions Plan 2020 and Draft City of Ryde Fixed Rate Levy (Section 7.12) Development Contributions Plan 2020
Pursuant to Clause 28 of the Environment Planning and Regulation 2000 Council propose to adopt two (2) new Development Contributions Plans under Section 7.11 and 7.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, which are now on public exhibition.
The Draft City of Ryde Section 7.11 Development Contributions Plan 2020 (s7.11 Plan) is proposed to repeal the current City of Ryde Section 94 Development Contributions Plan 2007 – Interim Update (2014). The s7.11 Plan will continue to impose nexus based developer contributions on residential development that results in the increase in residents thought the creation of new housing allotments, additional new dwellings or a mixture of both within the City of Ryde local government area.
The s7.11 Plan will also impose nexus based developer contributions on non-residential development in Macquarie Park that results in an increase in gross floor area (GFA).
Residential Development contributions under the s7.11 Plan will remain capped at $20,000 per dwelling.
The s7.11 Plan proposes to raise funds for the provision of infrastructure in the City of Ryde under the following categories:
- Open Space and Recreation
- Community Facilities
- Transport and Traffic Facilities
The Draft City of Ryde Fixed Rate Levy (Section 7.12) Development Contributions Plan 2020 (Fixed Rate Plan) is proposed to apply to non-residential development outside of the Macquarie Park precinct that proposes an increase in GFA. The Fixed Rate Plan will impose a 1% levy on the construction value of all non-residential development consents for developments over a $350,000 construction value threshold. Thus any non-residential development with a proposed construction value of $350,000 or under will not be levied under the Fixed Rate Plan.
The Fixed Rate Plan proposes to raise funds for the provision of infrastructure in the City of Ryde under the following categories:
- Active Transport
- Civic and Urban Improvements
- Stormwater
Supporting Maps
Draft S712 Plan Works Program Map Reference(PDF, 221KB)
Sheet 2(PDF, 440KB)
Sheet 3(PDF, 292KB)
Sheet 4(PDF, 276KB)
Sheet 5(PDF, 548KB)
Sheet 6(PDF, 542KB)
Sheet 7(PDF, 205KB)
Sheet 8(PDF, 96KB)
Sheet 9(PDF, 240KB)
Sheet 10(PDF, 187KB)
Related Information
🔗Section 94 Contributions Plan 2007 - Interim Update 2014
Draft Section 7.11 Development Contributions Plan 2020
🔗BIS Sharapnel, Strategic Employment Review: Macquarie Park, prepared for the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, December 2015
🔗City of Ryde, Building Assets Plan 2014-2024(PDF, 9MB)
🔗City of Ryde, Creative Strategy 2019-2024
🔗City of Ryde, Draft Halls and Facilities Strategy 2019-2024
🔗City of Ryde, Development Control Plan 2014
🔗City of Ryde, Social Plan 2019-2024
🔗City of Ryde, Four Year Delivery Plan 2016-2020
🔗City of Ryde, Integrated Transport Strategy 2016-2031
City of Ryde, Library's For Ryde 2014-2024(PDF, 4MB)
🔗City of Ryde, Resourcing Strategy 2014-2024
🔗City of Ryde, Ryde Library Service Strategic Plan 2019-2024
🔗City of Ryde, Sport and Recreation Strategy 2016 – 2026, adopted 25 July 2017
City of Ryde, Synthetic Surface Action Plan 2016-2026
(PDF, 2MB) 🔗City of Ryde, Our Vision for Ryde 2028 - Community Strategic Plan
🔗City of Sydney Development Contributions Plan 2015
🔗Elton Consulting, City of Ryde – Draft Social and Cultural Infrastructure Framework, July 2019
🔗Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Amendment Direction 2017
🔗Greater Sydney Commission, Our Greater Sydney 2056 - North District Plan – Connecting Communities, March 2018
🔗NSW Government, Macquarie Park Strategic Investigation - Landowners Information Session, 3 November 2017.
Draft Fixed Rate Levy Development Contributions Plan 2020
City of Ryde, Delivery Plan 2016-2020(PDF, 3MB)
City of Ryde, Delivery Plan 2019-2023(PDF, 3MB)
🔗City of Ryde Integrated Transport Strategy 2016-2031
🔗Greater Sydney Commission, Our Greater Sydney 2056 - North District Plan – Connecting Communities, March 2018
🔗Ryde Bicycle Strategy and Masterplan, 2014
🔗Ryde Economic Development Plan 2015-2019
🔗Four stormwater catchment studies were mentioned(although specific references were not provided) and these are assumed to be:
- GHD,Buffalo and Kittys Creek Flood Study Flood Study Report, City of Ryde Council, November 2014
- Bewsher, Eastwood & Terrys Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan - Flood Study Report, November 2008 (Reprinted October 2009)
- Bewsher, Macquarie Park Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan - Flood Study Report, City of Ryde Council, April 2010
- SKM, Parramatta River - Ryde Sub Catchments Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Plan, City of Ryde Council, January 2015
The plan made other general reference to “master plans, planning documents and supporting studies that have been prepared for each of the centres and employment areas” for the public domain upgrade works items. Suggested supporting documents would include:
🔗Ryde Development Control Plan 2014
🔗Draft West Ryde Town Centre Revitalisation Strategy, 2019
🔗Eastwood Town Centre – Masterplan (part of DCP)
🔗Ryde Town Centre - Ryde Town Centre Public Domain Plan (Part of DCP)
Other small centres - City of Ryde Local Planning Study – Small Centres(PDF, 106MB)
🔗COR Centres public Domain Upgrades(PDF, 4MB)
Other sources noted in both Contribution Plans
🔗Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
🔗Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000
🔗National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (NIEIR), compiled and presented in by .id, the population experts, 2016
🔗Population and household forecasts, 2016 to 2036, prepared by .id, the population experts, November 2017
🔗Transport for NSW Land Use Planner 2016 including employment projections 2016-2036
Hard Copies
Hard copies of the Draft Development Contributions Plans are available to be viewed at:
- Customer Service Centre
1 Pope Street, Ryde
(Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.00pm)
Note: second Thursday of each month hours are 10am-5pm
All submissions must be received by Council and can be made using the online submission form, by email or post.
Written submissions must be clearly marked as ‘URB/08/1/36/9'. They can be sent to:
All submissions must be received by Council by Wednesday 4 March 2020.
Online Submission
Online submissions have closed.