Draft Local Infrastructure Strategy

Submissions closed on 30 June 2024, 11:59 PM


The City of Ryde has experienced significant growth across the entire LGA, with increased development activities increasing the pressure on the existing infrastructure asset base, with the need for additional infrastructure being a key outcome of Council’s Community Strategic Plan. In 2020, the City of Ryde exhibited and endorsed a new Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS). The LSPS outlined the need for a collaborative approach to address the gaps identified as part of the current and future demand for infrastructure.

The draft Local Infrastructure Strategy will serve as a comprehensive framework for addressing infrastructure gaps, enhancing service delivery, and promoting resilience in the face of future challenges. The strategy outlines the challenges to be addressed to ensure appropriate management, future population growth and demand for infrastructure. The draft strategy incorporates the different needs of the City of Ryde Community in both the present as well as the needs of the future.

The draft Local Infrastructure Strategy identifies the following five main outcomes:

  1.  Collaboration - Creating partnerships to deliver key infrastructure within the City of Ryde
  2.  Alignment of factors - Align anticipated growth with land use zoning, infrastructure, and service planning to support future populations.
  3.  Maintenance of current asset base - Focus on revitalising assets to ensure the existing asset base is maintained to a satisfactory level.
  4.  Resilience and sustainability - Deliver and maintain resilient infrastructure using sustainability principles.
  5.  Innovation and Technology - Investigate and utilise innovative physical and virtual digital infrastructure to asset in asset planning and delivery.

This strategy (and the above outcomes) is intended to be flexible, and to be applicable to the unknowns of the future. They will be used as the key drivers of change for infrastructure within the Ryde Local Government Area.

The draft Local Infrastructure Strategy will be on public exhibition on Council’s website from 30 May 2024 to 30 June 2024 and Council invites you to provide feedback. 

Related Information


You can Have Your Say on the Draft Local Infrastructure Strategy in a number of ways including via e-mail, post or by completing the submission form below.

All submissions must be received by 11.59pm on Sunday 30 June 2024.

Online Survey

Please complete the online survey via the link below. If you are unable to fill in this survey online, please contact Customer Service on 9952 8222. 

Completed surveys must be submitted by 11.59pm Sunday 30 June 2024.

Submissions have now closed. 

Written Submissions

Written submissions must be clearly marked as 'Draft Local Infrastructure Strategy’ and can be sent to:

  • Post: City of Ryde, Locked Bag 2069, North Ryde NSW 1670 

If you require more information about the Draft Local Infrastructure Strategy, or are unable to make an online/written submission, please call our Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222 or email cityofryde@ryde.nsw.gov.au.

If you require translating assistance, you may call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter to contact Council for you.