Council Resolution- Delivery Plan 22-26, Operational Plan 24-25 & Fees

Published on 02 July 2024

The updated 2022-2026 Four-Year Delivery Program, Draft 2024-2025 One-Year Operational Plan, Draft 2024-2025 Fees and Charges, and Draft 2024-2034 Long Term Financial Plan were considered at the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 25 June 2024.

At this meeting, Council resolved the following:

That Council:

(a) Notes that zero (0) submissions were received in response to the Draft Four Year Delivery Program 2022-2026, including One Year Operational Plan FY24/25, during the public exhibition period from 26 April 2024 to 26 May 2024.

(b) Adopts the proposed Four-Year Delivery Program 2022-2026 including the One Year Operational Plan for FY24/25, and FY24/25 Fees and Charges Schedule.

(c) Levy of Rates for the FY24/25 Financial Year in accordance Section 535 of the Local Government Act 1993, such rates to be made as follows:

202406 - Levy of Rates FY24-25.JPG

(d) Fixes its interest charge on overdue rates and charges in accordance with the Section 566 (3) of the Local Government Act 1993 at the rate of ten and a half percent (10.5%) per annum from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025, as determined by the Minister for Local Government.

As noted in the above Council Resolution, the Four-Year Delivery Program 2022-2026, One-Year Operational Plan 2024-2025, and 2024-2025 Fees and Charges have been adopted. These documents are available to view via the links below.

Four-Year Delivery Program 2022-2026
One-Year Operational Plan 2024-2025
Fees and Charges 2024-2025

Related information:

View the Past Have Your Say page