Council Resolution - Draft Delivery Plan 2020-2024
Published on 29 June 2020
The Draft Delivery Plan 2020 - 2024 (Inc. Operational Plan and Fees & Charges) was adopted by Council at its meeting on Tuesday 23 June 2020.
The recommendation was:
(a) That Council consider the one public submission received during the public exhibition period and the response to that submission.
(b) That in accordance with Section’s 404 and 405 of the Local Government Act (1993), Council adopts the draft Four Year Delivery Program 2020- 2024 including the One year Operational Plan for 2020/2021, incorporating the following:
1. All proposed COVID-19 related budget adjustments included in this report;
2. Proposed budget adjustments relating to the Westminster Park Master Plan Project;
3. The amendments to the 2020/21 Fees and Charges incorporating all fee waivers endorsed by Council during the public exhibition period;
4. That Council, via a public exhibition process, add a new fee to its 2020/21 Fees and Charges Schedule of $14.65 p/hr for City of Ryde Based Clubs and $29.30 for non-City of Ryde based clubs for use of Dunbar Park for athletic activities. Council Meeting Page 18 Minutes of the Council Meeting No. 9/20, dated 23 June 2020.
5. In accordance with the provisions of Section 356 and as outlined in Council’s Revenue Policy, provide a one-off $400 rate rebate for all eligible Jobseeker and Jobkeeper applicants to be offset against the November 2020 Rate Instalment and funded from the Domestic Waste Management Reserve.
(c) That Council makes and levies the Rates and Charges for the 2020/21 financial year, as detailed in the Four Year Delivery Program 2020-2024 including One Year Operational Plan 2020/2021 in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.
(d) That Council sets the rate of interest payable in respect of rates and charges that remain unpaid after they become due as follows: - Zero percent (0.0%) from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020 - Zero percent (0.0%) from 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021
(e) That the General Manager provide a report with the list of the amount and locations of all committed and non-committed funds and their corresponding projects and that a Workshop with Councillors be arranged before the August Council Meeting.
Click here to view a copy of the Minutes from Council Meeting.
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