The Draft Four Year Delivery Plan 2020–2024, including the One Year Operational Plan 2020/2021 and Proposed Fees and Charges is on public exhibition for your comments.
The Delivery Plan lists the projects and activities to be delivered by Council over the next four years. It is Council’s implementation plan including the budget, to deliver on the Community Strategic Plan.
Pursuant to section 356(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, public notice is given that Council proposes to pass a resolution at its meeting the 23 June 2020, to allow it to financially assist eligible ratepayers within the Ryde LGA by granting a one off rebate of $400 to be applied against Council Rates in the 20/21 financial year. This is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to assist eligible ratepayers who are receiving the Federal Government’s JobSeeker/JobKeeper Allowance that have suffered financial hardship as a result of the pandemic.
Submissions can be made online using the online form below, by email or post.
Written submissions must be clearly marked as 'Draft Delivery Plan 2020–2024' and will be received up until Monday 1 June 2020. They can be sent to:
Online Submission
Online Submissions have now closed.