City of Ryde is seeking your feedback on the Draft Biosecurity Weeds Policy and Draft Local Priority Weeds Management Plan 2019 – 2024.
The Noxious Weed Act 1993 was replaced by the Biosecurity Act 2015 bringing about changes to the way weeds are managed. The change in legislation presents a shared responsibility meaning it applies to both private and public landowners. It encourages a risk-based method to prioritising weeds and introduces the enforceable General Biosecurity Duty that supports a community approach to local weed management.
The Draft Biosecurity Weeds Policy and Plan ensures consistency with the Greater Sydney Regional Weeds Management Plan 2017 – 2022. Together, they provide structure and guidance for managing identified State, Regional and Local Priority weeds at a local level.
City of Ryde recognises that prevention and early detection is the most strategic form of weed management. This draft policy and plan will focus weed management along identified significant bushlands, high risk pathways and high risk sites targeting priority weeds.
Have Your Say
Submissions can be made by using the online submission form below, e-mail or post.
Written submissions must be clearly marked as 'Draft Biosecurity Weeds Policy and Plan' and will be received up until Sunday 19 January 2020 . They can be sent to:
Online Submission
Submissions have now closed.