Property: 152-190 Rowe Street & 3-5 Rutledge Street, Eastwood – aka Eastwood Shopping Centre
Local Development Application No: LDA2016/0378
Applicant: Yuhu Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
Description: Demolition of all buildings and structures on the site and construction of a mixed use development proposing 7 buildings. The uses within the buildings include retail, commercial & residential. The development will contain 11,103m² of retail space, 3,600m² of commercial space (including office, gym & medical centre) and 443 residential apartments consisting of 167 x 1 bedroom, 255x 2 2 bedroom & 21 x 3 bedroom apartments. The development proposes 4 levels of basement car parking for 1,100 vehicles. The heights of the buildings range from 6 to 13 storeys. The development also includes the construction of a bridge link between two residential buildings, two open air through site pedestrian links between Rowe St & Rutledge St and landscaping works within the site.
The application will be referred to the Joint Regional Planning Panel constituted under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act for determination as the capital investment value exceeds $20 million
Voluntary Planning Agreement:
A Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) has been lodged with the application under Section 93F of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act; developers may contribute works or money to the local community as part of their development. The VPA sets out what contribution the developer intends to make to the local community.
Submissions regarding the above applications close on 26 October, 2016.
Making Submissions
Anyone may make submissions concerning these applications. Submissions are required to be in writing, and should the submission be by way of objection to the proposal, the submission should specify the grounds of objection. They should be addressed to:
General Manager
City of Ryde
Locked Bag 2069
North Ryde NSW 1670
Council has resolved that all submissions received in relation to rezoning and development applications will be publicly accessible on request.
The supply of personal information is voluntary. However if you choose to make an anonymous submission it may be given less weight (or no weight) in the overall consideration of the application.
DA Appendicies
- Appendix-A Architectural Plans Eastwood Centre
- Appendix-B Architectural Design Statement(PDF, 131MB)
- Appendix-C Landscape Scheme with Rowe Street Eastwood Centre(PDF, 22MB)
- Appendix-D Survey Plans Eastwood Centre(PDF, 3MB)
- Appendix-E Clause 4.6 Variation Request Eastwood Centre(PDF, 3MB)
- Appendix-F Clause 4.6 Legal Opinion Eastwood Centre(PDF, 110KB)
- Appendix-G CPTED Assessment Eastwood Centre(PDF, 6MB)
- Appendix-H Heritage Impact Statement Eastwood Centre(PDF, 8MB)
- Appendix-I Civil Works Drawings Eastwood Centre(PDF, 9MB)
- Appendix-J Flood Study Eastwood Centre(PDF, 34MB)
- Appendix-K Stormwater Management Report Eastwood Centre(PDF, 3MB)
- Appendix-L BASIX and Energy Efficiency Statement Eastwood Centre(PDF, 43MB)
- Appendix-M Acoustic Assessment Eastwood Centre(PDF, 1MB)
- Appendix-N Pedestrian Wind Environment Study Eastwod Centre(PDF, 9MB)
- Appendix-O Transport Report Eastwood Centre(PDF, 2MB)
Appendix P - Building Services Concept Report Eastwood Centre(PDF, 17MB)
Appendix Q - Solar Light Reflectivity Analysis Eastwood Centre(PDF, 8MB)
- Appendix R - BCA Assessment Report Eastwood Centre(PDF, 914KB)
- Appendix S - Fire Statement Eastwood Centre(PDF, 151KB)
- Appendix T - Waste Management Plan Eastwood Centre(PDF, 2MB)
- Appendix U - Cost Summary Report Eastwood Centre(PDF, 632KB)
- Appendix V - Draft VPA City of Ryde Eastwood Centre(PDF, 330KB)
- Appendix W - Geotechnical Report Eastwood Centre(PDF, 3MB)
- DA Lodgement Cover Letter August 2016(PDF, 74KB)
- Political Donations & Gifts Disclosure Statement(PDF, 511KB)
- Eastwood Centre Statement of Environmental Effects(PDF, 6MB)