In response to concerns raised by local residents, Council is seeking feedback on a proposal to restrict parking on both sides of Cobham Lane, Melrose Park to improve vehicular movement along the laneway.
What are the proposed changes?
In order to improve vehicle movement and access for emergency vehicles, it is proposed to install No Parking on both sides of Cobham Lane.
Why is the change being considered?
Under the Australian Road Rules it is illegal to park in an area that will restrict the carriageway to less than 3m. Given the width of Cobham Lane, Melrose Park is approximately 4.5m, any vehicle parked in this area represents an unacceptable impediment to access, especially for emergency vehicles. Installing No Parking on both sides of the laneway will improve traffic movement and access for emergency vehicles.
Have Your Say
Use the online submission form below to provide feedback on the No Parking along Cobham Lane, Melrose Park
All submissions must be received by Friday 13 September 2019.
Online Submission Form
Submissions have now closed.