In brief, the development will need to be mindful of the constraints and risks of development in flood effected areas. This may require preparation of a Flood Impact Statement, which will need to consider the risks presented by flooding, ensure the development does not exacerbate risks to safety and property damage that may arise from flood impacts and is to be prepared and submitted with the associated planning approval for the works.
For all development in the Flood Planning Area (FPA), a Flood Impact Statement/Flood Study may be required pending on the proximity of the development / exposure to floodwaters. If a property is external to the FPA yet located in the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) event, a Flood Study may be required pending on the type of development and nature of occupants that may not be at threat to mobilisation during such an event (eg a childcare centre, hospital, etc). The Flood Impact Statement / Report should be prepared in accordance with Section 2.2 of the Stormwater and Floodplain Management Technical Manual and is required to address the various controls related your development proposal. Data files may also be required by Council for review/assessment.
The result of the Flood report will inform the design of your building in compliance with the planning controls.
Generally the flood planning controls would aim to achieve the following:
(a) to minimise the flood risk to life and property associated with the use of land,
(b) to avoid adverse or cumulative impacts on flood behaviour and the environment,
(c) to enable the safe occupation and efficient evacuation of people in the event of a flood.
The need for a Flood Impact Statement / Report will generally be required for properties and development significantly subject to flooding however Council may give consideration to the scale of the report being reduced, relative to the risks presented by the development.