Council Resolution - Blenheim Park Masterplan
Published on 25 August 2020
The Blenheim Park Masterplan was adopted by Council at its meeting on Tuesday 25 August 2020 and resolved:
a) That Council endorses the Blenheim Park Masterplan and its vision for future park improvements, prepared by NewScape Design.
b) That Council approves the closure of the northern section of the Blenheim Road road reserve (adjacent to Blenheim Park) including:
(i) delegating authority to the General Manager to do all things necessary to effect this closure, including executing all necessary documentation; and
(ii) for this parcel of land to be classified as Community Land and categorised as Park.
c) That lighting of the dog park be included in the Masterplan design and delivery.
d) That staff bring back a report on costs and funding sources associated with delivering all stages of the Masterplan together with Stage 1.
e) That Council write to thank all participants in the development of the Masterplan and inform them of this resolution.
f) That Council note that provisions for pickleball and futsal be made on the multi-purpose courts and a larger youth precinct be considered during that stage.
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