Anti-litter Mural at Anderson Park, Meadowbank

Submissions closed on 03 July 2022, 11:59 PM


As part of the City of Ryde’s commitment to enhancing our spaces through public art and promoting action to reduce litter, Council will be installing an anti-litter mural on the rear wall of the amenities building at Anderson Park, Meadowbank.

In 2020, Council invited local primary schools to take part in an anti-litter art competition showing their interpretation of how litter impacts the environment.

Council is seeking feedback on two proposed concept options that have been inspired by winning artworks from the school art competition.

We would like to hear which concept option you prefer and any other ideas you have for the final design.

Mural Option 1


Mural Option 2


This project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority Waste Less, Recycle More Initiative, funded from the waste levy.nsw-government-logo.png





You can Have Your Say on Anti-litter Mural at Anderson Park, Meadowbank in a number of ways including by completing the online submission, at the drop-in session or by written submission.

Drop-in Session

You're invited to come and meet with Council's Project Team, ask any questions you may have and provide your feedback. 

Where     Near the amenities building, Anderson Park, Meadowbank
When      Sunday 26 June 2022
Time        Anytime between 9.00am - 1.00pm            

Please note: These drop-in sessions will be managed in accordance with COVID-19 guidance.

Written Submissions

Written submissions must be clearly marked as 'Waterloo Park Playground Upgrade'. All submissions must be received by Sunday 3 July 2022.

Post City of Ryde, Locked Bag 2069, North Ryde NSW 1670 

Online Submissions

Online Submissions are now closed.


Anderson Park, Rothesay Avenue, Meadowbank 2112  View Map