Draft Macquarie Park Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2025

Submissions closed on 30 March 2025, 11:59 PM

Aerial image of Macquarie Park

City of Ryde is seeking your feedback on the Draft Macquarie Park Corridor Section 7.12 Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2025 (Draft 7.12 Plan). The Draft 7.12 Plan will fund the delivery of new local infrastructure to support anticipated growth following the NSW Government’s recent rezoning of the Macquarie Park Corridor. 


In November 2024, the NSW Government finalised the rezoning of the Macquarie Park Corridor. The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) anticipate that this rezoning could accommodate approximately 10,000 new homes and up to 100,000 jobs. Council estimates that the rezoning could also accommodate approximately 11,000 new build-to-rent dwellings. This significant growth must be supported by appropriate infrastructure from all levels of government.

DPHI has prepared the Draft 7.12 Plan to fund local infrastructure which will be delivered by Council. The NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces has instructed Council to exhibit and adopt the Draft 7.12 Plan.

A minor amendment is also proposed to the existing Section 7.11 Contributions Plan 2020 to change the land to which this plan applies. This amendment will ensure that only the Draft 7.12 Plan will apply to land within the Macquarie Park Corridor.

The Draft 7.12 Plan and Draft 7.11 Plan are on public exhibition from Saturday 1 March to Sunday 30 March 2025.

View the Draft Macquarie Park Corridor Section 7.12 Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2025
View the Draft Section 7.11 Development Contributions Plan 2025

For information on how you can provide your feedback, please see the Have Your Say section below.

Draft 7.12 Plan

The Draft 7.12 Plan is a contributions plan prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.

If adopted, the Draft 7.12 Plan will allow Council to levy new development to fund the delivery of local infrastructure such as traffic and transport facilities, open space and community facilities. A list of the anticipated infrastructure to be funded is contained in Appendix 2 of the Draft 7.12 Plan.

The Draft 7.12 Plan will levy a fixed rate contribution on all new development based on the cost of work. The Draft 7.12 Plan will apply to the Macquarie Park Corridor and will replace the existing Section 7.11 Contributions Plan 2020 which currently applies to this land.

Hard Copies of the Exhibited Documents

Hard copies of the exhibited documents and supporting information will be made available for viewing at:

Customer Service Centre | 1 Pope Street, Ryde

Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm
(Note: second Thursday of each month 10.00am - 5.00pm)

North Ryde Office | Level 1, Building 0, Riverview Business Park, 3 Richardson Place, North Ryde

Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 4.30pm

Frequently Asked Questions

What land will the Draft 7.12 Plan apply to?

The Draft 7.12 Plan will apply to the Macquarie Park Corridor, which includes the land shown in the below map.

Map showing land to which the Macquarie Park Corridor Section 7.12 Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan applies.

Note: The above image is from the Macquarie Park Corridor Section 7.12 Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan Plan (page 5).

What is a contributions plan?

A contributions plan is a policy that allows a council to levy new development to fund the delivery of local infrastructure to support anticipated growth. There are two different types of contribution plans - a Section 7.11 plan (7.11 Plan), and a Section 7.12 plan (7.12 Plan).

A 7.11 Plan levies a specific contribution rate based on the type of development (e.g. $20,000 per additional dwelling). 7.11 plans must demonstrate a clear connection between the additional development and the demand for infrastructure.

A 7.12 Plan levies a fixed rate charge based on the estimated cost of development. 7.12 Plans provide more flexibility in the preparation of the work schedule and do not need to demonstrate a clear connection between the additional development and the demand for infrastructure.

What are the proposed levy rates for new development?

The NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces has amended Clause 209 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2021 to allow Council to exceed the maximum levy of 1% of development costs stipulated in the legislation.

If adopted, the Draft 7.12 Plan will allow Council to levy the following rates on new development:

  • Development up to $250,000 – exempt
  • $250,000 or more if the development is for the purpose of residential accommodation or mixed-use development including residential accommodation – 4%
  • $250,000 or more for all other development (excluding residential accommodation) – 1.5%

What happens with applications lodged before the 7.12 Plan comes into effect?

The Draft 7.12 Plan contains a savings provision to ensure that the new levy amounts will only apply to applications lodged after the adoption and commencement of the new plan.

The existing Section 7.11 Contributions Plan 2020 will continue to apply to applications lodged before the 7.12 Plan comes into effect.

What infrastructure will be funded by the Draft 7.12 Plan?

Appendix 2 of the Draft 7.12 Plan contains a list of anticipated infrastructure to be funded by the plan. This list was prepared by DPHI with input from Council. 54 infrastructure items have been identified with a total estimated value of $649,797,917.

The Draft 7.12 Plan will be constantly monitored and regularly reviewed by Council to ensure that the works schedule remains appropriate.

Why are changes proposed to the existing Section 7.11 Contributions Plan 2020?

The existing Section 7.11 Contributions Plan 2020 applies to land within the Macquarie Park Corridor. This plan does not anticipate the growth facilitated by the NSW Government’s recent rezoning and will not fund the level of required infrastructure. 

The Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2021 stipulates that a development may be subject to a condition under a Section 7.11 plan or a Section 7.12 plan, but not both.

The adoption of the Draft 7.12 Plan will require an amendment to the existing Section 7.11 Plan to ensure that land within the Macquarie Park Corridor is only subject to the Draft 7.12 Plan.

Next Steps

The outcomes of the public exhibition is expected to be reported to Council for consideration in April 2025.

If adopted, the Draft 7.12 Plan will come into effect once a notice has been published on Council’s website.


You can Have Your Say on the Draft Macquarie Park Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2025 via the online submission form, email or post.

Feedback closes at 11.59pm Sunday 30 March 2025.

Written Submissions

Written submissions must be clearly marked as 'Draft Macquarie Park Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2025' and can be sent to:

Online Submissions

You can provide your feedback via the submission form below.

This form is intended for feedback only, so please direct any questions/enquiries to cityofryde@ryde.nsw.gov.au.

Click here to view form.