
Nanbarry, (c.1780-1821) nephew of the Cadigal leader Colebee, was brought into the Sydney settlement in April 1789, seriously ill from smallpox, having lost his mother and father to the disease. Nanbarry recovered after treatment by Surgeon John White, who adopted him. When White left New South Wales in 1794, Nanbarry became a sailor on HMS Reliance. Nanbarry was one of fifteen Aboriginal youths initiated at the Yoo-long Erah-ba-diahng ceremony in February 1795 at Woccanmagully (Farm Cove).

In March 1805 both Bennelong and Nanbarry speared the ‘Cowpastures’ leader Cogy in a fight on the road between Prospect and Parramatta. In late January 1806, Nanbarry threw a spear that killed a Botany Bay man named Collindiun.

Nanbarry died on 12 August 1821.

Also as Nanbaree, Nanbarrey, Nanbaray, Nanbarry, Nanbree, Nanbury and Nanbarry Bolderry Brockenbau. Nanbarry exchanged names with Boorong's brother Ballooderry, but gave up that name after Ballooderry's death. Affiliation: Cadigal.