Active Youth: Theatre Sports / 12-18yrs / Ryde Park

Active Youth: Theatre Sports / 12-18yrs / Ryde Park

Come along for some fun musical games and dive into the world of make believe, costumes, and monologues, having fun with some simple drama skills and challenges. This workshop is perfect for all levels of drama lovers of all skills, and abilities.

Meeting Point: Ryde Park Event Space, (Next to the basketball court, Look for the Active in Ryde Banner)

Date: Friday the 19th of July 

Session Time: Youth Session 2: 2:00-3:30pm

Capacity: 30 per session

Accessibility: This is an accessible venue with smooth surfaces, and pathways to viewing areas. This venue has access to a disabled bathroom, all are welcome. 

Important Information

It is our duty of care to ensure all participants are effectively able to participate. When registering yourself/your child for Active In Ryde Programs you will be asked to provide any relevant information that will affect your child/rens participation. This is to ensure that the appropriate level of care and support can be provided. Where possible all Active In Ryde programs will be held in accessible venues and locations.  Information on accessibility for social Inclusion can be found in the venue Instructions at the top of the page. 

In addition, please be advised this is an Active Youth Event:

  • Registrations are essential to participate, and in some cases, additional waivers may be are required.
  • It is the responsibility of participants/parents/guardians to communicate any medical, physical, intellectual, social or emotional issues prior to participating along with any pre existing injuries or allergies.  A responsible parent/guardian must be present on site whilst all children under 13 are participating.
  • Parents/guardians enrol their child/ren at their own risk.
  • By attending this event you/ your child/ren may be photographed and these images may be used as part of internal and external promotions for the City of Ryde
  • Spaces are limited. All bookings must me made via bookable, and will be“first in best dressed” . If your circumstances change and you are no longer able to attend, you MUST cancel via bookable as soon as you know you are unable to attend.
  • Failure to attend a pre booked event will result in your bookings for the remainder of the program being cancelled and your exclusion from booking the following holiday period.

How to cancel your booking:

  1. Log onto bookable
  2. Go to My account (Top Right of Screen)
  3. Find the event you wish to cancel and click on the event name.
  4. In the middle of the screen click cancel order or cancel ticket.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’S)

Is there an age limited?

Yes, all activities have age limits based on the activity level and skills required. Please ensure you/your child is age appropriate and has the required minimum skill level before booking.

Is drop off available?

All children 13 years and under MUST have responsible parent/guardian present whilst their child/ren are participating. Parents/Gauradians allow children 13 and over can attend without being present at their parents own risk. Active In Ryde programs are not a child minding service and facilitators are not child care professionals.

What to bring?

All equipment is supplied unless stated otherwise. Please bring sunscreen, a water bottle,  and a hat as Active In Ryde programs take place primarily outside. Please also make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the activity, this includes dressing in layers during winter, and having closed toed shoes, please do not wear thongs/flip flops. 

There are multiple back-to-back sessions, can I book both of them?

No, due to the popularity of the program, and the limited spaces, any repeat bookings for the same event will be cancelled and the space opened up to another participant. On the day, if space is available, your child can attend a second class with permission from the facilitator.

Do programs run in adverse weather?

No, Active In Ryde programs take place primarily outside and will not run in bad weather. You will be notified by text/email prior to an activity if the activity will not be going ahead. 


  • Friday, 19 July 2024 | 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM


Ryde Park, 30 Argyle Avenue, Ryde, 2112, View Map

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