Waste Resources for Apartment Complexes

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Council offers free resources to assist strata managers, building managers and body corporates educate residents on correct disposal of their recycling, waste and garden organics in the City of Ryde.

To order resources, please complete the online order form below.

Waste Guides

These items advise residents how to recycle and sort their waste. Please note, some items are available in other languages.

Waste Calendar

Size: 148mm x 210mm (A5)
Description: Complete guide to your bin collection dates, other waste services and events.
Language/s: English only
Limit: Dependent on the number of units at the property.

Household Recycling and Waste Guide - Flyer

Size: 210mm x 297mm (A4)
Description: Information on what can and cannot be placed in your bins, free Council services and how to pre-book Household CleanUp Collections.
Language/s: English, Traditional Chinese, Korean and Hindi
Limit: Dependent on the number of units at the property.

Household Recycling and Waste Guide - Booklet

Size: 148mm x 210mm (A5 booklet)
Description: Comprehensive guide to all of your Waste services including Recycling, Garden Organics and Garbage bins; Household CleanUp Collection; Reuse and Rehoming services; and Hazardous Item services in multiple languages.
Language/s: English, Chinese Simplified and Korean

Don't let your Recycling go to Waste

Size: 99mm x 210mm (DL)
Description: Information on what can and cannot be placed in recycling and garbage bins, with free Council waste services on the reverse.
Language/s: English
Limit: Dependent on the number of units at the property.

Community Recycling Centre Postcard

Size: 105mm x 148mm (A6)
Description: Information about problem waste items that can be taken to our Northern Sydney Community Recycling Centre.
Language/s: English
Limit: Dependent on the number of units at the property.



Stickers are available for bin lids and fronts, depending on the size of the bin. No advertising stickers are also available to help reduce unwanted advertising in your letterbox.

No Recycling in Bags sticker (240L bins only)

Size: 70mm x 250mm
Description: Lid sticker for 240L recycling bins showing non-compliant items.
Language/s: English
Limit: Dependent on the number of recycling bins at the property.

No Plastic Bags sticker

Size: 150mm x 150mm
Description: Lid sticker for 660 & 1110L and front of bin sticker for 240L recycling bins advising plastic bags are not accepted in these bins.
Language/s: English
Limit: Dependent on the number of bins at the property.

Garbage Only lid sticker (240L)

Size: 180mm x 85mm
Description: Lid sticker for 240L garbage bins showing the accepted items.
Language/s: English
Limit: Dependent on the number of garbage bins at the property.

Cardboard Only bin sticker (660L; 1110L)

Size: 500mm x 380mm
Description: Front of bin sticker for 660 & 1110L recycling bins with flatten cardboard images. 
Language/s: English
Limit: Dependent on the number of recycling bins at the property.

No Advertising Material sticker

Size: 95mm x 45mm
Description: Sticker for your mailbox to discourage junk mail.
Language/s: English
Limit: Dependent on the number of units at the property.



These signs advise residents how to recycle and sort their waste. Signs are designed specifically for internal bin rooms or external bin bays. Please refer to details below to order correct signage for the property. 

Apartment Complexes - Chute System or Internal Bin Room

Garbage sign

Size: 500mm x 300mm
Description: Corflute sign designed to go above garbage bins in bin rooms or chutes, showing what can and cannot be placed in garbage bins. 
Language/s: English
Limit: Dependent on the property.

Recycling sign

Size: 500mm x 300mm
Description: Corflute sign designed to go above recycling bins in bin rooms or chutes, showing what can and cannot be placed in recycling bins.
Language/s: English 
Limit: Dependent on the property.

E-Diverter sign

Size: 500mm x 300mm
Description: Corflute sign designed to go above e-diverter chutes showing what can and cannot be placed in bins.
Language/s: English
Limit: Dependent on the property.

Apartment Complexes - External Bin Bay

Correct Waste Sorting sign (Garbage/Recycling/Garden Organics)

Size: 495m x 380mm
Description: Metal sign for bin bays, showing correct waste sorting for garbage, recycling and garden organics.
Language/s: English
Limit: Dependent on the size of the bin bay.

Recycle Right in Ryde sign (Recycling/No plastic bag messaging/Garbage)

Size: 297m x 420mm (A3)
Description: Corflute sign designed to be displayed on noticeboards or other common internal areas, showing correct waste sorting for recycling and garbage bins.
Language/s: English with Traditional Chinese and Korean messaging
Limit: Dependent on the property.

Free Waste Services sign

Size: 297mm x 420mm (A3)
Description: Corflute sign designed to be displayed on noticeboards or other common internal areas, showing additional free Council waste services.
Language/s: English
Limit: Dependent on the property.

Apartment Complexes - Additional Signage

Illegal Dumping metal sign

Size: 495m x 380mm
Description: Metal sign to advise residents not to illegally dump.
Language/s: English
Limit: Dependent on the the property.

Pre-Booked Household CleanUp Collection poster

Size: 297m x 420mm (A3) 
Description: Printable PDF poster for noticeboards or foyers, to communicate upcoming booked Household CleanUp Collection dates
Language/s: English
Click here to download poster(PDF, 534KB)

Order Form

To order the free resources listed above, please complete our online form.

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